Recent content by Ari

  1. Ari

    Herona Blackforge

    Name: Herona Blackforge Race: Gold Dwarf Age: 59 Herona Blackforge, a gold dwarf hailing from the southern region of the Great Rift like so many others of her kin, Herona grew up in a traditional, well-off household during the Thunder Blessing with many siblings. With shoulder length light...
  2. Ari

    Elena Canmore

    Name: Elena Canmore Race: Half-Elf Age: Early 20s Born to a mother who happened to be a displaced and disowned noble of Tethyr and a Wood Elvan scout who helped her navigate the Wealdath and reach Amn safely, Elena Canmore was born within the village in Citadel Bormul. Growing up and facing...
  3. Ari

    Clarification on Palestone Knights

    Oh wow, I didn't even think about the last part. A PSK forming an order with others who aren't PSKs. Just a goal. That can open up a huge amount of RP potential with the governing on how magic could be viewed. I think most people might think the orders on the PSK list are their choices though.
  4. Ari

    Clarification on Palestone Knights

    This was my thought as well for when I contemplated PSK. Especially since I was wanting to join the Moonlight Chosen sect. It's my understanding that each PSK is their own person in how they will view/perceive/twist their beliefs to fit their goal. At least, I think.
  5. Ari


  6. Ari


    12 days later Another bounce. Ina felt her entire body float for just a moment, before crashing back down onto the rough wooden seat she tried to get some rest on to no avail. With a sigh, she brushed her damp hair out of her face before she sat up, slowly pulling away the cloak she used as a...
  7. Ari


    Without warning, all that was seemingly normal a moment ago descended into pure chaos. Screams of fear, the clash of weapons, and the cackle of inhuman chants and snorts filled the air. Seeing other refugees in front of her running and scattering in every which way, Ina quickly looked to her...
  8. Ari


  9. Ari


    10 years later 1368 The heat of the sun bared down upon her, unnaturally so. It blazed as if whatever gods were watching took joy in seeing others suffer. The heavy brown cloak she pulled over her body though did not help. Feeling the sweat build at her back with beads of it running down the...
  10. Ari


    Name: Ina - Age: 20 Race: Half-Elf Birthplace: Unknown Village, Amn 1358 She remembered like it was yesterday. The first time… Her lungs burned like fire, her legs ached as if she had run for miles, and her eyesight blurred from the tears that welled in her eyes. Despite all this though...
  11. Ari


  12. Ari


    Hello and welcome! Blighter does look interesting, yeah.
  13. Ari


    Well, up to the devs here. If they do their own I'll be using that. And they perhaps have more control over what's added and whatnot. Idk, I ain't a dev. I'll use whatever TDN's main pack is.
  14. Ari


    True, but maybe people want some portraits not on there for their characters. I won't say no to more options for portraits.
  15. Ari

    :3 hi honey

    :3 hi honey