Recent content by Khaine

  1. Khaine

    The Longest Tenday

    Hello TDN! You may have guessed from the title of the announcement, but we are in fact taking the server down for a time again, from 14/06/2024 (June 14) at 1:00am PDT to (tentatively) 25/06/2024 (June 25). This post will summarise the reasons and the game plan going forward. Why? As you may...
  2. Khaine

    Player Behaviour, Setting Concerns & Bans

    Foreword Hello TDN, Bit of an unfortunate message to have to put out today. Firstly, although we’re sure everyone is aware, we’re currently extremely busy trying to identify issues and work through them while also figuring out and working on next steps. This is a combination of things, from...
  3. The Elves of Y'Tellarien

  4. Oaths and Vows

  5. Khaine

    Restricting access to weapons 18-20

    So.. x4 weapons don't exist on TDN unless I've grossly overlooked something, not sure where that idea or point came from, and Weapon Master doesn't increase critical multiplier on TDN. Rest of the points are quite true, though. There's a lot of context that's being missed and I think shows a...
  6. Khaine

    Classes that get Perception

    Barbarian, rogue, monk and ranger are classes that get perception skills in the base game. Barbarians are generally depicted as primal/tribal warriors who live away from civilisation, fending for themselves. A similar principle of living off the land and fending for themselves applies to...
  7. Khaine

    Clarification on Palestone Knights

    They would think that if they didn't properly read the roleplay guide, where it says just above the list of orders: "Below is a list of the most noted groups of Palestone Knights that exist in Faerûn. Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list and that there are many Knights who work...
  8. Khaine

    Clarification on Palestone Knights

    The goal of the orders was more to show off the different ways that the oath could be interpreted, but it's not an exhaustive list. Most of the orders don't exist anywhere near Amn or Murann; the page where it lists them gives a decent indicator of which ones might be around in small pockets...
  9. Khaine

    Clarification on Palestone Knights

    That is actually the interpretation of quite a few of them. The Moonlight Chosen and even the Pale Judicators - to a degree - adopt that stance. But 'responsibly,' in their eyes, not only means used in a way that would benefit civilisation, but also sparingly. To all of the orders, magic is not...
  10. Khaine

    Fighter & Warden "Combat Style" Feats

    Hi, Appreciate the feedback. It's totally fair critique and good points raised, the only thing I can really say is that most of these things were tentative proposals that were put out just to inform everyone of what was being changed. The TDN 11 change required quite a few changes to classes to...
  11. Khaine

    TDN11 Question Thread

    This idea is really good and probably one to follow. The issue with doing it the Arelith way would be that you don't have a choice as to whether you want to use the reagent or not, at least from the way it's been explained. We aren't using reagents in such a way that they're required to cast...
  12. Khaine

    Ranger Paths

    They are intentionally not 'optimal,' as Richord guessed correctly, to make multiclassing dips less appealing. That philosophy has been spread right across all classes so that there aren't cases of 'X, Y and Z class are no longer dippable, but I can still abuse ranger' because if there is a...
  13. Khaine

    Fixing Artificer

    Rogue damage is not reliable, they have 3/4 BAB scaling and would have to hit enemies who have AC that is largely designed for martials not to reliably hit every single round, so they're going to miss quite a lot even with the flanking bonus. They also don't AoE with their Sneak Attacks. You can...
  14. Khaine

    Fixing Artificer

    Contraptionist: Appreciate it. Artificer's Focus: The Augmenting profession was chosen because it's the only one that peasants don't receive a bonus to. There was no desire to step on peasant's toes when it's effectively the only thing they get to themselves. Augmenting is being changed from...
  15. New Rules