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  1. Herry

    Lyavelthal Evaelas, Sword Knight of the Summer Song

    A great silence. What is a mariner without ship, what is a rider without steed? The desolation of magic's halt had struck in no place with greater grief than Ty'athalael, the valley of fey upon the green isle of Evermeet, and perhaps in no people with such great sorrow than those elves bonded...
  2. Herry

    Lyavelthal Evaelas, Sword Knight of the Summer Song

    A frame of strength held on motions of grace. An Ar'tel'quessir with shaded eyes, jutting chin and pointed nose - the look of a hunting predator. Yet he is clad in the finespun and intricate armors of the Queen's own military, always in the blue of a sky both night and noon in its hue. In...