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  1. Elena

    Feedback on Fire Beetle Spitter

    There is some IC things in this thread which might spoil the first-time-experience, read on at your own risk! I wanted to go exploring the Wealdath and walked out of the Circle of Elements (in stealth). On the next map was a Fire Beetle Spitter, pretty close to the transition. I got spotted...
  2. Elena

    Fíriel Rínnan Astyëlinna - "She who walks in the mist of darkness with a shining bow"

    Name Firiel: "dark, darkness" (Fir) + "mist, misty" (iel) -> "Mist of Darkness" Rinnan: "walker, walks" (Ri) + "to (go to a place)" (nae) + "female" (an) -> "She who walks (to)" Astyelinna: "Fletcher, Bow" (As) + "crystal" (ty) + "bolt, ray" (linn) -> "Shining Bow" Description Strands of dark...
  3. Elena

    Shilmista Forest - Amn or Tethyr?

    I intend to play a Wild Elf of the Forest of Shadows, known as Shilmista Forest. Upon checking the geography information, it says: "Lying west of the Snowflakes, the forest has been sometimes considered within the territory of Amn or Tethyr, depending on the state of those countries' borders."...