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  1. N

    Kudos Thread

    You know what it is! Mention great players, fun times, and much more! --- For my part, thank you very much, Quill and Cosa Nostra, for the wonderful time performing in the Captain's Cabin!
  2. N

    Ishla's Finest

    “Harin! Are y’gettin’ the barrel from the barn?!” Granny Isolde was one of those that wasn’t picked. A bent over crone at over 80 years, she was one of only a handful who wasn’t. Her husband, Harin, the town cobbler, was also not coming; his club foot made him useless, and he wasn’t much...
  3. N

    Ishla's Finest

    There was nothing anyone could have done at Hillfort Ishla. Times before the Longest Year weren't kind to that bloodsoaked ruin, even before the goblins and the giants and whatever else crushed their way through, and with the horde of monsters arrayed against it, they dragged every willing (and...