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  1. Farwalker

    Include Some Ability Stats in In-Game Description

    haha yeah I like the idea of the physical ability scores (Con, Str, Dex) being examined by another character, but I always found it strange when the custom examine feature on another server gave you hints for a character's charisma, intelligence and wisdom. Like what is everyone supposed to be...
  2. Farwalker

    Any exhaustion/endurance/stamina system?

    Okay that does indeed sound poorly implemented, making you and your party have to actually use the rest function for the removal of exhaustion, which can unnecessarily take 5+ minutes out of adventuring to use the in-game rest function, taking longer depending on rest rules and how high your...
  3. Farwalker

    Any exhaustion/endurance/stamina system?

    I don't understand how it would create a more "difficult" experience. More realistic and fair, but difficult to the point of being "horrendous?" Did the other servers you experienced exhaustion systems on not allow your character's exhaustion to go away after a minute of inactivity? Without...
  4. Farwalker


    It makes sense to me, other than separating divine and arcane casting. It makes sense for a magic user to cast very lower level spells, at least lowly cantrips, in a subtle manner. Kind of like they've been practiced so extensively and require so little magical energy that the caster could...
  5. Farwalker

    Any exhaustion/endurance/stamina system?

    I couldn't find any information on such a system integrated into TDN. Are there plans for future mechanics which could benefit a high stamina character with the ability to run/swim/carryitems further or faster than lower stamina characters, or the ability to endure longer periods of combat...
  6. Farwalker

    Feedback from someone who hasn't been able to play

    I disagree in expecting a Neverwinter Nights (janky 2003 game or whatever) persistent world's launch to be anywhere near as smooth as a typical, modern MMO or online game launch. Relating the two should never be done if that's what you're doing here, but comparing this launch to other NWN...
  7. Farwalker

    Character Creation Guidelines?

    As mentioned here "All players are expected to follow the character creation guidelines provided on the forums." The guidelines seem non-existent in the forums and if so, can anyone point me to where they might be? Thanks! Nevermind...