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  1. augustaugur

    KNOCK TWICE, SWIPE ONCE | Samael Reyes

    NAME: Speaking solely to present lives, Samael Reyes. AGE: Thirty-three, a birthday in early summer. ORIGIN: Northern Amn NATIONALITY: Amnian Fresh faced despite the lines entering a complexion once pristine at last, this Oghmanyte is known best for a sunny disposition and eternal smile. Clad...
  2. augustaugur

    FREEMEN IN THAY | Eiren Alaor

    Another of the working ones had gone. There was a whole cavalcade in the infirmary now, men lying from corner to curtain with scarcely a cot for every two. Eiren regretted their circumstances, though it was regretting a matter of invariable fact—where else would they go, if not here? Here, to...
  3. augustaugur

    FREEMEN IN THAY | Eiren Alaor

    “Do you understand?” “Yes.” “Then you are not a complete affront to our people,” He said. “Mulhorand that you are, there remains a perspicacity for the Art. Recite, again.” Eiren did; the wick shuddered, then, with a wink and a breath, began to burn. He smiled. “At last.” The incense was...
  4. augustaugur

    FREEMEN IN THAY | Eiren Alaor

    NAME: Absent titles, aliases and other such “names” provided at one time from the end of a whip, it is Eiren Alaor. AGE: Twenty-eight, born in late spring. ORIGIN: Mulhorand Mulan NATIONALITY: Thayan The body is covered from toe to tip in linen, leather and all matter of coverings, not much...