Deities | Attitude | Thoughts |
| Patron |
Raised to honour and respect the Leaflord as most of his kin are, the ranger is closer only to the Wild One than his model, Solonor. Long before he laid hands upon the bow, the ranger's folk brought him before the great oak tree that served as their temple and imparted to him the protection and wishes of the Old Man of the Yuirwood. To contest the quick and slow death of nature's bounty, to stand as an immutable wall of solid wood between the delicate balance and the greed of those who would bring it to ruin. When the wood elf finds himself inclined to offer prayer, it is for the protection and guidance of Rillifane Rallathil. |
| Reverence |
The Seldarine's own hunter, his mastery of the ranger's favoured longbow is a thing worthy of true awe. A custodian of nature, ever-staunch in his responsibilities and a keeper of his word, Solonor's very demeanor is a model for the mortal hunter's own. So he likes to think, at least. |
| Reverence |
It would surprise none who know him to be told of the ranger's fondness for the Winged Mother. Though her care was particularly for her closest people, the Avariel, his own fondness of avian life and envy of their freedoms paired with her graceful ferocity and staunch defence of what is hers makes for a deep-rooted admiration. |
| Curiousity |
A new daughter walks among the Seldarine, so the winds have whispered, but the ranger has never seen or heard of her likeness before. What she stands for, what she wishes of them - these things are unknown to him, and so he waits and listens to the wind. Yet silence is all that greets him now. |
| Respect |
Though Corellon feels far from the woodland life Aen'garael's kin lead, he is nonetheless the Father and given honour as such. Perhaps not prayed to actively or often, but always regarded with due respect. |
| Respect |
The Triune Goddess said to be Corellon's wife likewise curries deep respect. Though he knows little to nothing of her teachings or love, Angharradh's wisdom is legendary and her domain over defense and plantings hold a particular place in the ranger's heart. |
| Respect |
Jokes have their place, and life is dull when all is solemn in perpetuity. Laughter comes too rarely in times of trouble, and privately, in the quiet of his own company, the ranger would perhaps appreciate a bit more of it. A jest, however, should never bring true harm or go too far. Joy, not pain; thrill, not fear. |
| Respect |
The enemies of the People must be hunted, and the Black Archer always answers the call. Too sorrowful and solemn by far even for one who takes his tasks as earnestly as Aen'garael, there is yet sympathy and appreciation for the pain and plight of him and his followers. Sometimes, to let things pass is to invite more pain; Sometimes, vengeance must be taken for the greater good. |
| Respect |
An ally of the Leaflord, the Oakfather's prominence among the Conclave that Y'tellarien shares the ground beneath its bows with has fostered an approval in the young ranger and an acceptance of his followers. All who stand in the shade of the trees are welcomed allies, but even they are not above a certain level of scrutiny as outsiders. |
| Protective |
The Fey of the Seelie Court once numbered innumerable among the settlements of the forest, and none were more populous than Suldanessellar. In a stroke of tragedy, The Longest Year caused many to disappear, and others to be sent scurrying for the burrows. Even years later, the Seelie have not returned in their full number, and the remnants of their troupe are scarce and precious as desert rain. Finding fondness and kinship with the Seelie Fey, it would only be natural to the ranger to aid and defend them wherever they might be found. |
| Neutral |
As a member of the People who observes the ways and wishes of the Seldarine, the ranger feels there is little reason to pay much heed to the recently established Lord Death. It was only a scant few years ago Kelemvor's reign began, and barely any word of him at all has filtered through the forests. What little the ranger does know of the death god comes from adventurous members of the Conclave, and details are rare. |
| Dislike |
Dogmatic, strict, unbending - Not traits the ranger is wont to appreciate, even if most of their followers do well for their communities and protect the weak. These are acknowledged as the good deeds they are, but worship of these Lawful beings did not stop the people of Tethyr from once hunting his kin for sport - a thing the Elmanesse are in no hurry to forget. How truly good or useful are these laws they enforce? |
| Dislike |
"War opresses all equally", the Foehammer's lot like to say, and the ranger certainly agrees - the distinction between them lies in how much oppression is deemed acceptable. War is a loathsome thing even when launched with purpose, and rather avoided for the senseless bloodbath it often is. Furthermore, 'fair and honourable combat' runs strictly counter to the ranger's own hunts, and so his care for the Lord of Battles is little to none. |
| Hatred | The Spider Queen and all her betrayers are unworthy of sympathy, mercy or kindness. Any espousing their virtues among the trees will soon lie beneath the earth or inside a beast's belly. Some crimes may never be forgiven or forgotten.
Since the advent of The Longest Year, reports of isolated sightings of Lolth's puppets has risen sharply from what they were around the various elven settlements, including word from Evermeet and Evereska. Scouts perhaps, or something more? Concern for a potential mass uprising nests in the dark corners of the mind, and yet the Dhaerow don't make their move. None have so much as shown a glimpse of their silvery hair under the bows of the Unspoiled Woods so far, but will it last? |
| Hatred | The Beastlord stands out from all the Furies as the most detested in the dark corners of elven hearts. The ranger is no different. Malar despises his people and vice versa - followers of the Beastlord should expect a prickly greeting should they be caught skulking beneath the canopies of the Wealdath.
Concerning, winds beyond the forest carry news that Malarite activity has increased in the region in the past few years. What was once a manageable drip has become a bleeding stream and the wound shows no signs of closing. Alertness for these beasts and agents of Malar is heightened in the present year among the ranger and his peers. |
| Hatred |
As the current (insane) holder of the portfolio of murder, no proper elf would ever hold approval for his goals or dogma. News of the vile practices of these Cyricists filters in from beyond the trees, and what the wind whispers is nothing good. Sowers of discord and strife, plotters and schemers, mad murderers. Enemies. |