Andivar Peridan: Wanderer from the West


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Original poster
Mar 9, 2025

Andivar, or Andi as his closer friends call him, grew up in the druid ruled city of Cedarsproke in the Gulthmere forest. His father was a carpenter, as was his father before him. His name was Andoss, and his mothers name was Elari. He is the second of two sons, and the middle child, having an older sibling named Edwic, and a younger sister named Olisia. His family had been devout worshippers of Lord Firemane since they were saved by him during the Time of Troubles. He grew up hearing stories from his father of the Roar of Shadows, when the Lion god walked among the druids of Cedarsproke, and protected them and the other innocent creatures of the forest from the fury of a bloodthirsty Malar and his minions.

Andivar's older brother took up the family business and partnered with his father. His younger sister, who always hung about the druid's council chambers, and had a deep love for green and growing things, began to study as a druid. Andi, however, had always enjoyed sparring with the Cedarsproke militia, and took on more martial training, learning to protect his hometown and the wild forested hills that surrounded it.

One evening, about a year ago, their cabin on the edge of the forest near Cedarsproke was attacked by a werewolf. While the timely intervention of the Cedarsproke Militia, Andivar, and his Sister drove off the creature, before they could do so his father, Andoss, gave his life defending his wife from the creatures, and Olisia was wounded.

The loss deeply effected Andivar, who felt that he should have been stronger and swifter, and that perhaps he could have saved his father if he had been. His brother struggled with guilt as well, as he had been in another part of the forest that night, protecting the logging camp, and was unable to help. More than anything, however, he struggled with the lack of justice.

His father, a good man, was dead. And the culprit escaped. More innocent people could still be hurt. With his father dead, and his brother and sister likewise acknowledging the need for justice, Andivar buried his father with the family the next morning, and announced his intention to avenge his father. Alone among those he loved his mother begged him not to go, for she feared losing him as well. He embraced her, and promised he would see her again one day. Then he set off to the east, tracking the dark beast. All the way to the Dragon's Neck.

Why did a lone werewolf kill his father?

Why was it not with its pack?

And why did it flee so far to escape retribution. . .

He wants to know.