Feedback from someone who hasn't been able to play


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Jul 13, 2023
So as the title says this is some feedback from a person who has not been able to play. I did participate in the soft launch/stress test/beta test, whatever you wish to call it back in April. However since launch I have been unable to get in. From my perspective this launch has been fairly scuffed. I was not expecting a perfect launch, but I was hoping to at least be able to play on server.

From the beginning I wasn't expecting a smooth launch, and definitely nothing like an MMO launch. The demands on this server have been insane, there is no denying that. None of the existing servers could probably handle the numbers that TDN potentially could have (if everyone could get in). From what I can tell the team did know they were going to have a lot of demand, maybe not to this extent (500+ unique accounts is crazy for a new server) but they must have known with the numbers they had at the soft launch a month ago this was going to be a bumby launch. And besides having another server there is quite likely nothing that the team can/could have done, and this point has already been addressed by Aschent. Is this valid feedback/criticism, yes. Do I understand and agree with it, of course. Was there potentially another solution, I don't know. Does it change the fact that it is annoying as hell not being able to play during the launch due to the server always being full, no.

I am however of the opinion that the devs shot themselves in the foot by doing such a massive update to the assets just before launch and after the soft launch, but I do understand that it was better to do it then than after launch. I feel like whatever issues we saw on launch day was probably due to the asset update.

Now we get told that the server is going down for a week, a week after launch? It obviously is maddening. I don't know how many unique players have been able to play during this launch week but I would very much be surprised if it has been more than half the number of unique accounts. Should I not be upset to learn that after a week of trying and failing to get into the server, I then learn the server is going down for a week? True there is no loss since I haven't even started, but it doesn't change the fact that it is another week that I know I won't be able to experience the server.

Before anyone says anything, I know that this is a project of love and a lot of hard work and God knows how many hours of work have gone into this server. I understand all the devs, staff and GMs are doing their best, and yes they do deserve a break after the work they have put in. However this does not change my view on the launch nor does it change my thoughts on taking the server down for a week, a week after launch.

Hopefully when the server comes back it will be better than before and I will be able to experience it.
I disagree in expecting a Neverwinter Nights (janky 2003 game or whatever) persistent world's launch to be anywhere near as smooth as a typical, modern MMO or online game launch.
Relating the two should never be done if that's what you're doing here, but comparing this launch to other NWN persistent world launches? Sure I agree, it could have been a little smoother, but there's really no standard for that, so take what you can get, wait it out, play when you can, and enjoy this experience or -as you said, "project of love"- given to players for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in return.

You may remember me as the guy whose idea of subscription-reserved slots being completely shot down by the devs and 100% of everyone else on Discord a few days ago.
I suggested that the extra profits from a few fanatics who have more money than time to wait around for an open slot would benefit the project, allowing the funding to add a 2nd server, or increase hardware capacity to allow extra FREE slots for all players, slowly improving and improving the player slots.
Most people might hate subscriptions these days, but I am the type of guy who works hard and believes that a person's form of entertainment should cost him something, whether that's going to see a film, or 100 years ago, paying to see a stage performance, but the developers decision seems overwhelmingly to be the route of not costing their players a dime to entertain them which although noble, I disagree with, however what people like you and me need to realize is that no matter what we believe, this is not our project, and it's just in the hands of the devs.
New server, new adventures, new characters - regardless of how messy the launch is people want new good NWN RP persistent world content and will suffer for it if they have to I'm sure. I missed the launch boat as I didn't hear about the server until the 26th (took a hiatus from nwn for a year or so), but even if my wife & I get in a month or few late it's still new content which beats making a new character on the couple of populated servers for the upteenth time. . .
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