Group Concepts, Duo Concepts, and more!


New member
Original poster
Apr 3, 2024
Seeing as the soft-launch for The Dragon's Neck has started, I am going to start a thread for this topic.

Feel free to drop all your group concepts, duo concepts, general wide RP aspect you want to do with people, etc. Sponsor & coordinate and possibly find new friends.
I like the intent behind this, can you offer any suggestions as to how to keep this meta free?
some concepts may be criminal or evil and this thread could give that away.
With my friend we intend to play illegitimate sons of some minor Tethyrian knight that want to prove themselves to get some share of family's wealth... but they really differ from each other, being sons of different mothers and social circles.
I think a rogue/criminal organization or bandit band coming into town could be really cool. I have a character concept that's basically a hulking brute in armor that is a real bouncer type character who's just a big hulking fighter in scary armor. Talks very little, loves to fight, secretly worships Garagos. It would be fun to have some sort of group of all different classes of the rainbow that all came into Murann seeking to set up their bandit group in the swordbelt after some local jobs/progress is made. . throw in a necromancer.. a rogue..maybe a haughty gold-obsessed sorcerer, etc etc. Could make a fun eclectic band of misfits. :D