Illegitimate sons and heirs in Tethyr


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Original poster
May 28, 2024
Hello again!

Let's say me and my friend aim to create two brothers, both illegitimate sons of some minor knight/lord in Tethyr that were sent to some kind of grand tour to prove they - as most talented children of said lord - can work together and then be seen by their father as worthy of inheriting some of the family's land and wealth.

And one of those sons is much more chaotic and mischievous, happy to take advantage of his upbringing and education. What happens in TND game IC game world, if he would start to brag about being a knight's son, trying to convince people he is the hair, and not just natural son without any legal rights so far? I know it heavily depends on the social circle, as commoners couldn't care less if some adventurer really is or isn't a noble if he is as poor as they are, especially if his father is really a minor knight/lord without any real influence outside of his neighbourhood somewhere in Tethyr.

But can they be persecuted for claiming knighthood and title they have no rights to actually claim?
It'd count as unlawful impersonation, the consequences of which tend to be harsh. Titles are meaningful on TDN, especially that of knights.
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Thanks, so due to not being stupid they shouldn't brag about titles they do not have rights to.