

New member
Original poster
Oct 27, 2022
In the town of Riatavin a half elf named Szorsah was born. His early years were full of hardship caused by the cruel and often drunken presence of his elven father, a criminal whose misfortunes and failures caused him to behave violent with his family. His mother was a gentle soul and bore the brunt of his father's wrath trying to shield her son from what she could.

One night the fragile peace of their home was shattered one last time by his father's drunken rage, as this time something within Szorsah snapped. In a desperate attempt to protect himself and his mother he fought back with a knife and ensuing struggle he killed his father. With hands stained with the blood of a man who had tormented him and his mother for so long he reached down a helping hand to his mother who lay on the floor to help her up only for her to slap his hand away and for her to call him a monster for killing the man she loved. Enraged that his mother didn't appreciate what he just went through for her and still in a frenzy from the battle with his father he struck her a lethal blow as well, leaving him alone in a world.

As a self made orphan who was burdened with the financial cost of his actions, Szorsah choose to turn to a life of crime. He managed to work his way into a minor criminal organization where his cunning and ruthlessness allowed him enough silver to survive. However merely surviving in this world was not enough for him he wanted to thrive in it and he devised a risky yet profitable plan to accomplish this. He would steal from the very organization he was apart of and start over somewhere else. This plan ultimately failed and left him with enemies who would love nothing more than to see him dead and him with no choice but to flee town emptyhanded. He would travel west and eventually to Murann and it was here that he would adopt the name Ka'Vaash and hope to escape his past and start anew.