Kudos Thread


New member
Original poster
May 15, 2024
You know what it is! Mention great players, fun times, and much more!


For my part, thank you very much, Quill and Cosa Nostra, for the wonderful time performing in the Captain's Cabin!
Major kudos to the staff for getting the server up and running.

Your work is so appreciated.

Take care of yourselves; don't burn out.

Remember that the voices of those who appreciate you are quieter than the ones of those who don't.

I'm personally looking forward to a long time playing here.

And again - take care. Do what you need to do to make it work for yourselves. :)
Kudos to my Starspire Accord fellows! I'm sure there are more of you out there than just Elim and Lila, but the two of you have been incredible in depicting your character's perspectives on a really hard topic.

Also a kudos to the Lower Boroughs players who are taking effort to make things... Interesting. I don't want to say more than that to avoid spoilers, but know you are seen!
The Galan familly has been a treat to RP with, including Vorrik in that.
Massive kudos to the infamous Uncle and the one we'll surely soon be calling "Nephew".
I'm having a blast with our contentious interactions.
Big ups to the Rowers, and also whoever plays Vincenzo the Guard. Excellent hardline foil for all the shady activity going on in the city right now
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Kudos to everyone I've ever interacted so far, as well as the DM team; but specifically, kudos to Bran and Bristle.
I am here again to offer thanks to various groups and individual adventurers - to the Selunites and Jhess that allowed me to accompany them to their temple, to Contanze and Cogwitz for their support for my bard's growth, to Veron and his teammates for being staunch allies against kobolds and boars, to Sabine and Emrys for providing more opportunities to play music with and for someone, to Tessaria for excellent card reading and amount of work she put into preparing entire Faerun-related tarot set, for excellent(and extraordinaire!) Madrigal(may Promenade glow once more one day), to Jarv and Beverly for their friendly and welcoming attitude, and to the team for preparing amazing environment for us to play.
First - KUDOS to the team for running the server. Take care of yourself and remember that it is only a hobby. Take your time. Mind you, I am EU player, so I can give only part of feedback, so forgive me if I don't mention you.

Absolute Kudos to my Accord fellows - especially Culdur, who tries his best to keep the EU side of the recruiting going. To elves in general, who I know run their alternative to Murann hard as hell - it is really appreciated, because elf RP is great and it is going to fluorish wonderfully with time. Kudos to Good Doctor and Masters for wonderful trek to Tradesmeet and general RP. To the half-orc teams around the city, also trying their best to keep the stuff running. To Maude still on her post in the Cabin (wonderful civilian RP). To other groups I did not meet yet - the criminals (Uncle got a reputation!), the Guards, the Palestone aspirants. To these lone players who also try their best.
All interactions with the Rowers have been enjoyable, but I really enjoyed the most recent bit of roleplay I did with Ermengarda di Barozzi!

I'm a dire lover of conflict roleplay.
Kudos to the elf crew for the past few days! Lots of meaningful interactions and good discourse. Excited to see what happens next!
Theres far to many names to list them all but I want to give a special shout-out to both Maude and Mary. Their splash of color as the tavern maids bringing a fantastic boost of life. Kudos to Diago and Uncle of the Row for doing some rather inspiring RP in terms of lower clans and giving and air of danger to the city's slums. Culdur and his never-ending mission to convince my PC to join the Accord along with Balam, who gave a fun and interesting intro to our characters.

So far the server has been beyond expectations in terms of RP and I'm excited to see what the future brings.
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Kudos to whoever from the Staff member who managed to fix the *...* formatting when using !asct speak command.
Bless your soul as companion RP no longer looks awkward and clumsy.
Thank you for the card reading session to Tessaria, it was an experience.

Also I want to thank those who are working in Captain's Cabin, they really help the server's atmosphere.

The Gur people I RP'ed. They were really neat and authentic.

Lia and Sho, for cool monk RP we had, that definitely add on character's development.

I generally enjoyed the RP sessions I had, and will post more in further times here apparently.