Kudos Thread


New member
Original poster
May 15, 2024
You know what it is! Mention great players, fun times, and much more!


For my part, thank you very much, Quill and Cosa Nostra, for the wonderful time performing in the Captain's Cabin!
Major kudos to the staff for getting the server up and running.

Your work is so appreciated.

Take care of yourselves; don't burn out.

Remember that the voices of those who appreciate you are quieter than the ones of those who don't.

I'm personally looking forward to a long time playing here.

And again - take care. Do what you need to do to make it work for yourselves. :)
Kudos to my Starspire Accord fellows! I'm sure there are more of you out there than just Elim and Lila, but the two of you have been incredible in depicting your character's perspectives on a really hard topic.

Also a kudos to the Lower Boroughs players who are taking effort to make things... Interesting. I don't want to say more than that to avoid spoilers, but know you are seen!
The Galan familly has been a treat to RP with, including Vorrik in that.