Kyrenic Naevaris


New member
Original poster
May 25, 2024
Kyrenic Naevaris was born within Evermeet to a line where the art of bladesinging was a house tradition, and brought pride to the house as a whole. From an early age he showed a natural talent towards martial fighting being able to learn the basics of fighting with a few different weapons. However a bit uncommonly he felt the most comfortable using a mace, and so in his spare time he would practice using that as his preferred weapon. He was urged towards learning how to become a bladesinger himself and in an effort to become more skilled he traveled outside of Evermeet.

During this time he viewed most non-elven people as lesser-than however, during his travels outside of Evermeet he found himself stranded within Viperstone in Tethyr during the longest year. Being separated from his people he decided to stay within the village and help them with their viper problems. He came to become rather well known in their town, and over this course of time he would meet his future traveling companions Franik, Therodurk, Dorbani, Thisbe, and Cornell. During this time he gradually became more accustomed to other races and learned tolerance, seeing in them knowledge which could be useful to the elven people.

He is a proud worshipper of the Seldarine, especially Corellon and Shevarash.