New Character Allowances


New member
Original poster
Jun 5, 2024
Hello all,

Not on the server but my wife & I are very interested in jumping on whenever it opens up again. We both are wondering as I am not able to find any information on this not being allowed as to Amnian nobility? We both fancy playing 2 characters from the Rosznar family from Imnescar that are married and both rogues, super uppidity/snobby, etc. We've played these characters before together in regular D&D games, and they've always been a blast. Other dual-character ideas we've done are an aasimar favored soul and tiefling warlock buddy buddy duo ala good omens, knights that got messed up and hell and lost their prior powers, etc. What sparked this post idea was that in the new player's guide there's little mention as to what is allowed to this effect? Can players play characters from a noble family? What are some of the limitations to character backgrounds (such as nobility or exotic backstories like losing their memory and powers)?

Noble characters are not allowed. Disavowed characters, aka characters that were once part of nobility but have since been cut off, are allowed as long as they take the "Disavowed" background feat on character creation. Also, regardless, characters shouldn't be from canon noble families.

Also, aasimar and tiefling (as well as any planetouched) are not playable races in TDN, you can check the races you can play here:
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