Shalee - The Autumn Wolf


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Original poster
May 25, 2024

Name: Shalee
Origin: The Unspoiled Woods (Far Eastern Wealdath)
Age: 125 Years
Race: Wild Elf
Gender: Female
Patron Deity: Fenmarel Mestarine
Favored Deities: Silvanus
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Martial Druid
Profession: Huntress, Herbalist, Alchemist, Healer
Languages: Elven / Druidic / Common
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 155 lbs
Hair: Ginger
Eyes: Amber
Skin: Sun-touched, freckled

Shalee is a young druidess from a small tribe of Wild Elves living in seclusion and harmony far away from the rest of the Elves in The Unspoiled Woods. Guided by her deep love for nature and relentless tenacity, Shalee embarked on a dangerous quest to find a cure for her people suffering from a powerful disease inflicted by a vicious blighter.

Her hopeful and supportive personality shines brightly during the darkest of days, which she always strives to share with her companions. She believes in the potential for growth and healing in all beings, always seeking the silver lining in even the most challenging situations.

Name: Vala
Origin: The Unspoiled Woods (Wealdath)
Age: 5 Years (500+)
Race: Wolf
Gender: Female
Occupation: Warden
Official Titles:

  1. Fenmarel’s Chosen Howler
  2. Sentinel of the The Unspoiled Woods
  3. Champion of the Nature’s Veil
  4. Shalee’s Blessed Guardian
  5. Honourable Nature's Warden
  6. Bestest Girl

Vala has been a loyal companion to the family of Druidess Shalee for many generations thanks to the divine blessing of Fenmarel Mestarine, the elven god of outcasts and solitude. This blessing allowed her spirit to be born anew at the end of each circle and continue her duty as a stalwart protector of Shalee's lineage and other Wild Elves.

She's a wise and stoic creature, exuding an aura of calm and strength. Her loyalty to Shalee is unwavering, offering the druidess protection against any kind of danger, along with emotional reassurance during stormy days.

Crimson hearth's warmth a gentle glow, In autumn's embrace, hope starts to show..

In the far eastern corners of Wealdath's forest, far from the prying eyes of other civilizations, thrived the tribe of peaceful Wild Elves. Known for their deep connection with nature and ancient magic, the Wild Elves lived in harmony with the forest, avoiding any major interactions with other settlements around the Unspoiled Woods. Their village was hidden in a secret, secluded grove, blessed with eternal Autumn.

There, among the high trees, two sisters were born—Shalee and Zylnala. Raised by a caring druidic mother who taught her daughters to respect all forms of life, understand the delicate balance of nature, and use their powers responsibly. The grove became their classroom, and the forest their playground, blissfully unaware of the dangers lurking beyond.

As the years passed, the sisters grew into young women, their powers and wisdom blossoming. Shalee became known for her healing abilities, her touch able to mend wounds and cure ailments. Zylnala, with her affinity for animals, became a protector of the forest's creatures, ensuring their safety and well-being.

Leaves turn black, life fades to grey, forest whispers die away..

As magic began to return to the world, so did the dangers behind it. It was subtle at first, a creeping sense of unease among the sisters and other druids. The animals grew restless, and the vibrant colors of the forest began to dull. Something dark and malevolent had taken root, seeded by a vicious blighter whose only desire was to destroy the grove the Wild Elves had tended for many generations.

Trees turned black and brittle, their leaves falling like ashes. Streams that once ran clear and pure became choked with foul, stagnant water. Animals fled these areas, their instincts warning them of the danger that lurked within. The blight spread quickly, a cancer that consumed everything in its path.

In a desperate act, Shalee and Zylnala's mother sacrificed herself to stop the blight from spreading, offering her life to Silvanus in a desperate ritual.

The spread of the plague was eventually stopped, but the damage to the grove and its people was already done..


Through night’s veil, I seek the cure--For sister's frail breath, weak and unsure..

Sickness spread through the tribe, a mysterious ailment that weakened their bodies and dulled their spirits. The elves, once vibrant and full of life, were now pale and listless. Even their druidic magic seemed to falter in the face of this relentless blight. The two sisters did everything they could to heal as many people as possible, but the vile magic behind the disease was too powerful. More and more people began to lose their eyesight and wither away. Eventually, even Zylnala wasn't spared and ended up bedridden.

With hope growing thin, Shalee volunteered to travel outside the grove to find medicine for her sister and her people. Using her mother's journal, the young druidess set course for Y'Tellarien, hoping to find aid there and return home with a cure.

Kudos to Winterflame and Shadowspinner for inspiration!
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