Sylus Stormwind - The Babe of Dragon Beach


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Jun 5, 2024
“What can I say? I’m the bitch queen’s son of some bloody pirate bastard, birthed on a beach and raised in a brothel with brigands. If I do you wrong, it weren’t my intent. If you do me wrong, I’m sure my blood won’t boil after a bottle of brandy.”
-The Babe of Dragon Beach


One night in the middle of a warm summer where the river Mirar was not frozen over, the tide washed ashore a babe in a rowboat crying away to pierce the sound of the storm that had hit Luskan that night. Settled in on Dragon Beach, such an odd incident brought forth with it many dubious eyes to see if any treasure was to be claimed by this rowboat adrift. Alas, aside from the babe crying away, little was inside. Many of the brigands upon dragon beach that night thought it was some sort of omen or sign from the Bitch Queen, and the superstition managed to allow the babe some reprieve from the storm where he was brought to The Cutlass, one of the busiest taverns in the city, in the hopes that the Gardpeck family might know what to do with the young baby boy.

Entering that night, the band of brigands was quick to drop off the babe and clean their hands of the mess and Arumn Gardpeck obliged. Not one to want another mouth to feed though, Arumn went high and low trying to find a place for the young babe to stay that night. Alas, the wind and the rain of the storm drove him back inside. As if lady luck smiled on the babe herself, Arumn and his wife took care of him that night and his wife Cefrey took a liking to the baby quite quickly. There was naught ill to be said as to the Gardpeck hospitality after that day, as they would name the boy on the spot and promise to raise him to manhood - Sylus Stormwind.


“Ah, Luskan! If you ever want to make a great amount of coins and get it stolen on the same day, I suggest a visit.” - Sylus Stormwind


If ever there was anything to be said about Sylus growing up, it’s that he always had a smile on his face. As if being a bastard, a busboy, a sous chef, and oftentimes chased around rapscallion of the city brought him some kind of immense joy in the mystery of who he is. Growing up, Sylus was often referred to as “The Babe of Dragon Beach” in kind terms or “Dragon Beach Bastard” in unkind terms. Both of which, he saw as some sort of omen to his eventual success as an adventurer of legend. It was not until he was 18 that any sort of real challenge befell the swashbuckling young man, and by then he had many in the town of Luskan enchanted with the music he had learned to play working at The Cutlass.

It was not until he met the bard, Tibalt Feyfair, that his journey to adventurer of legend would come into focus. One night, the renowned adventuring bard of the North had stayed at the Cutlass with his adventuring band and sent the entire place into an uproar of laughter, song, and all-round infectious joy that Sylus adored. Not common to be the quiet voice in the room, Sylus approached Tibalt with hesitation at first. Tibalt seemed to take an immediate liking to the young man, and through their conversation became good friends for the year to come where the bard would stay about Luskan.

“If life gives you an opportunity, take it to the ends of the earth then sail off the edge for it.” - Sylus Stormwind

It was over the next year, under the tutelage of Tibalt Feyfair, that Sylus would take his many natural talents for performance and apply those things to something he never imagined he’d be able to do: arcane magic! It was enough to even catch the fancy of someone he’d fancied for the better part of the past year, a beautiful barmaid of The Cutlass. Delenia “Delly” Curtie had ever been the fancy of many a brigand through that place, and being the same age the two had always been good friends.

Sylus had it all set up perfectly. A night together on the balcony where he’d serenade her with a song he’d prepared just for her, and his adopted family the Gardpecks even helping him out by adopting a dog to be with Sylus that was gold of fur like a golden nugget, thus Sylus gave him the name “Nugget”. There, on that night, when Sylus had expected to see the beautiful barmaid Delly come through the doors to the balcony he instead saw a woman clad in purplish blue robes. Taken aback at first, Nugget cowered behind Sylus’ leg when the woman merely made a hand gesture faster than Sylus could stand off the rail… before he knew it… he was unconscious.

Awakening in a dark room, cold and in chains. The chamber reeked of meat that had been preserved for far too long, and the soft footsteps on stone marked the entrance of someone into the chamber though he knew not who and could see not who. “The Babe of Dragon Beach, The Bitch Queen’s Son, The Pirate’s Bastard Bard. Amusing titles for one so young.” The voice was that of a woman, though regal and maternal. It wandered the room, pacing as if indecisive as to what to do. “Whether true or not, I am certain that the lady shan’t oppose such an offering as you… given the circumstances.” She continued, coldly. Sylus unable to ascertain what was going on stammered his words in bewilderment, “What are you saying? I was just… trying to woo a lady. Hardly magnificent circumstance!” to which the woman replied curtly, “It is not for the sheep to know its purpose on the altar, nor…” her steps grew closer… “shall it be…” her steps even closer… until a horrid face of a woman beyond normal years came into view - skin stretched so tight that it looked as though she had stitched it about the corners of her face. “Yours…”

Bursting through the door then came a number of younger drained looking women wearing white shouting to the creature in front of Sylus, “Handmaiden, they are here!” one of them shouted before the creature in front of Sylus turned and hissed at them, “Bar their way and summon my sisters!” Sylus looking at his chains as the creature looked away and the younger women began preparing magical spells before rushing out of the room, door open, the creature behind.

Sylus then heard the sounds of combat outside his chamber, knowing that a chained captive is less likely to find reprieve than an unchained one in Luskan, he got to work with his chains. Through painful and diligent handiwork, he managed to slip a hand free from one of the chains binding his arms to the wall as he reached for the other when the door swung open. The creature from before, enraged as she weaved magic in her right hand with ease snarling, “Insolent sheep-boy!” firing off an ice shard which glanced into Sylus’ lower side he howled in pain reaching for it while she prepared another ice shard when SLICE!!! The head of the creature flying off her body with the force of a mighty warrior wielding a great blade.

In rushed an elven woman besides and a dwarf in leathers where the warrior stood watching the creature’s corpse shrivel into her robes as cackling could be heard throughout the chamber. The elven woman quickly mended Sylus’ wounds before the dwarf picked the other chain at Sylus’ wrist before Sylus could manage to say a few words, “What in the High Captain’s backsides is going on?!” the warrior, an Uthgerdt barbarian by Sylus’ reckoning at the door uttered out two words in a gruff tone, “No time!” before the cackling of the creature got louder and louder and the 4 of them rushed out the chamber.

Making their way down the hall of this frozen over place, the Uthgerdt and the dwarf took point as swaths of cultists in white and light blue robes assailed them. Finally, getting to a main chamber Sylus saw a familiar face - Tibalt Feyfair! He had some sort of ward held up with him a man in grey robes - Sylus thought he must be of the arcane brotherhood. On the other side, two other women, equally horrid looking as the first assailed the ward where Sylus came up to them and Tibalt gave Sylus a big smile and flick of his wrist to have his instrument keep playing its arcane tune as he rushed over to Sylus’ side.

“Praise her tears, you’re alright! Sylus.. There is not much time and we may not see each other again soon so you must hear me.” The man took Sylus’ hands in his with a heartfelt smile on his face, “As I have told you in training you, You are destined for greatness, Sylus. Though sometimes our past has a way of shaping the destiny of our future… Your father, Steffan… my brother .. is alive!” Sylus’ mouth dropped, his whole face a gasp as he looked about to utter out a dozen questions when the mage shouted back, “I cannot hold this forever, Tibalt, we must go, get the boy outside!” and Tibalt grabbed hold of Sylus’ arms more seriously and continued, “Your father sails the Dragon’s Neck, my boy. . He’ll have the answers you seek!” Sylus uttered, “But wait-!” before Tibalt rejoined the mage and the 3 others rushed to his side and beckoned him out the door before the ward fell and a climactic magical battle took place as they rushed Sylus out the temple whose doors closed behind them. In a rush, before Sylus could stop the whirlwind of his life changing course, he found himself on board a ship setting sail away from Luskan the next morning.

“What a fickle thing, life can be. One moment you’re wooing maidens and courting brigands… The next you’re on the brig of a ship scrubbing.” - The Dragon Beach Bastard


It was not long after the incident at Auril’s temple that, according to the adventurers who saved him, it was decided that he was safer setting sail someplace far away from Luskan than stick around after drawing their wrath for whatever reason he did not know why. From ship to ship, Sylus jumped as he set about sails with different crews sailing the Sword Coast, always staying on the move. He served as a deckhand for the next 4 years, making some friends who also had desires for adventure. Attracting several to his cause and designs of forming an adventuring company in The Dragon's Neck, he set his sights for the land his father was rumored to be in the first chance he could. They managed with their savings to get equipped and get as far south as Athkatla, and beyond that they smuggled their way through Amn to finally take caravan beyond to Murann. Mostly coinless save for the equipment on their back, the exploration of these lands and establishing of a company to hopefully attract his father in these lands on the horizon.

"First, we establish ourselves among the locals as respectable adventurers... then we build up the company...then hopefully with enough such recognition, my father will find me just as my uncle did." - Sylus Stormwind
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