Tethyrian/Ffolk ethnicity and the state of Moonshae Isles in TDN


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Original poster
May 28, 2024
As title says - I wanted to explore how Moonshaes are interpreted in TDN setting, to make sure if there's Kendrick house ruling over some of the isles(Alaron and Gwynneth they were, afaik), locked into struggle against Illuskan invaders, or if they're less organized and there's no one like Queen Alicia Kendrick and Ffolk survived only in secluded enclaves, following their druids and honoring their aspect of Chauntea.

Since they're of Tethyrian origin and maintained unique druidic tradition and both Tethyrian peoples and irl cultures that heavily inspired Ffolk vibes(the Irish and more generic Celtic people) have their bardic traditions too, I would support the idea that Ffolk put their bards in high regard, as scholars of old lore and wisdom, with their art and music bearing strong religious, druidic tendencies. The question is - would such approach be supported by DMs? To present character of Ffolk heritage as influenced by druidic tradition and his/her music and art closely tied to themes of nature and it's cycles as well as protection of tribal/clan/Ffolk ancestry.

I would also want to ask if Tethyr's history in TDN differs much from FR canon - I know very little of canon Tethyr and Lands of Intrigue, and so far I learned that TDN Tethyr is a monarchy with plentiful of various paladin orders.