You see before you a man, taller and of lighter complexion than some of his human kind; hoarding the balanced expression of an inexperienced youth upon his fair face - the almost timeless eagerness for adventure. Lengthy strands of hair blacker than soot flank his starry blue eyes, trickling all the way down to the fur perching on his shoulders before coming to a polite pause and settling, as if content on nature's shoulders.
It is clear to your sight that he is geared for light travel; for he wears a leaf-green attire of cloth and a leather vest of the same colour, held together by several metal buckles all the way down to a belt that houses only a few pouches. Around his waist descends a half-skirt with a free-flowing pattern on each side, joining just below the knee a pair of fresh, durable boots of leather that stand ready to tread many lands with its wearer.
To this end, his armaments amount to an oak-brown longbow and quiver on his back and a rather unimpressive, long dulled knife that is sheathed on his mightily packed belt. For indeed, in its several pouches are held the many necessities of a hunter, along with a poor, cloth-bound journal. One in the front, however, seems to be padded in a rather bulky fashion. It is shielding what is, at times, revealed to be an elegant ocarina of wood, crafted most likely by Elvish hands, bearing in four different texts - some of which the People might know, but which are otherwise entirely unknown to Valen - the following runes:
"Over Moon's silver haze,
Among Oak's wise embrace,
Beneath where Land doth rise,
Therein Jollity thou shalt find."
Among Oak's wise embrace,
Beneath where Land doth rise,
Therein Jollity thou shalt find."
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