Website/Forum Feedback


Original poster
Staff member
Dec 10, 2019
Please use this thread to provide feedback on your experience with the new site and forum.
With the default theme, highlighting text is barely noticeable. Could the text highlight background be made a more stark colour?

edit: This goes for both posts, and text still in the editor.
With the default theme, highlighting text is barely noticeable. Could the text highlight background be made a more stark colour?

edit: This goes for both posts, and text still in the editor.
The highlight should be improved now.
Very solid. Pretty much echo everything that has already been said.

The one thing I would recommend is a ticket section where players can put in requests for events and such. Similar to that in the general section for bugs but in the IC section for character requests.
The wiki is much appreciated. I was looking at the map today that appears on its main page and I did wonder if there was a spelling mistake there. The map labels the Staspire mountains, but I think that's supposed to have an r in it, as in Starspire.
It is a typo, and unfortunately is likely to retain any and all typos short of us getting a new map made. On the bright side there's very few and they're not too glaring, so it's not the end of the world.
Overall a very nice webpage, there's just a couple of things that I've noticed to be weird about the wiki part of it.

1. Both "Races" under "Character Creation" and "Race Changes" under "Custom Server Changes" are the same link. I would expect the former to be the already existing page, explaining the lore and such. For the latter I think it would make more sense to have the mechanical changes for the races listed.
2. Same as above, only for classes instead. Both "Classes" and "Class Changes" lead to the same page.
3. The "New Player's Guide", "Chat Commands" and others. Surely to be implemented but it is confusing to have them listed while their pages do not seem to exist yet.
4. At the bottom of "TDN: Factions" under "Story & Lore", in the part about player factions of varying sizes, it would be fantastic to have vague examples merely so players can have a better understanding.

That's all for now. Will edit more onto this post if I notice anything else. :)


EDIT 1: Specific things on class wiki pages.

- Healing Injector : For the INT modifier, will only the base INT be considered or will increases be applied too?

- Proficiencies : Shields, needs to list what types of shields they can use. (Example; see the Cleric and Fighter pages.)

- Proficiencies : Shields, needs to list what types of shields they can use. (Example; see the Cleric and Fighter pages.)

- Proficiencies : Shields, needs to list what types of shields they can use. (Example; see the Cleric and Fighter pages.)
- Blightfire : Missing DC calculation formula for the reflex save.

- Drench : Missing DC calculation formula for the reflex save.

- Proficiencies : Shields, needs to list what types of shields they can use. (Example; see the Cleric and Fighter pages.)
- Level Progression : "rebuke undead" missing uppercase letters.
- Charnel Touch : Description is missing a space between the last two sentences.
- Scabrous Touch : It would be nice to have the word "Disease" in the last sentence be a hotlink to it's article.
- Undead Mastery : Missing a space after the initial colon.
- Enervating Touch : Missing DC calculation formula (unclear, is it the same as Charnel Touch?)
- Shroud of the Lich : "from" should be "form"

- Proficiencies : Shields, needs to list what types of shields they can use. (Example; see the Cleric and Fighter pages.)

- Proficiencies : Shields, needs to list what types of shields they can use. (Example; see the Cleric and Fighter pages.)

- Proficiencies : Shields, needs to list what types of shields they can use. (Example; see the Cleric and Fighter pages.)

- Call Target : What type of bonus damage will the Scout's allies deal? Will that damage get multiplied by critical hits?

- Abyssal Bloodline : How long does the Requisition Spite's effect last?

- Guile : Base INT only or current?
- Acrobatic Charge : Missing uppercase letter at the start of description.

- Selfless Ward : Can the damage kill you? What type of damage? If it's physical, can DR affect it? Will the effect be cancelled upon going down?

- Proficiencies : Shields, needs to list what types of shields they can use. (Example; see the Cleric and Fighter pages.)
- Missing information on how often these magical arrows can be used.

- Brawler : Says "The Battlerager" twice at the start.

- Bladesong : Base INT or current INT?

- Proficiencies : Shields, needs to list what types of shields they can use. (Example; see the Cleric and Fighter pages.)

- Turning Shield : Does this feat require a shield to work?

- Master of Shadows : For how long is Touch of Shadows doubled? For the duration of the Darkness effect?
- Shadow Hemorrhage : Clarity needed. Standing in it or being blinded by it? What damage type?
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Keen Edge

It says:

Area of Effect / Target: Creature or Slashing Weapon
Duration: 10 Minutes / Level
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

Adds the Keen property to the targeted weapon, increasing its critical threat range.
Works on all weapons, including ranged weapons

But also:

Adds the Keen property to the targeted weapon, increasing its critical threat range.
Works on all weapons, including ranged weapons

I think we should change the description of Target to say: "Creature or Any weapon including Ranged Weapon".

Races description

There is no description of the technical bonuses of humans.

Ability scores changed to: +1 Dexterity and the Skillful human racial added.

While the description of the humans' feat is: Link
Skilled: 4 extra skill points at 1st level, plus 1 additional skill point at each following level.
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