Your Best DM/Player D&D Story


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Jun 5, 2024
Whether you're a DM or a player in a game or have been in a game of D&D, I think it's always fun to see what got to people as either DM or player.

For me, I have my favorite DM moment was a homebrew game where the players were becoming demigods (taking inspiration from wrath of the righteous & divinity original sins 2) and all that that entails. The party dreamed of a village under attack by orcs (and it was under attack) and they had to come up with ways while not there that they influenced the outcome of events while not interfering. The day after the party went there where a group of knights the knightly character brought along with his divine powers and the whole party felt like they had done something, but all credit was going to the knights which was infuriating the PC's but RP'd out really well.

Favorite player moment was my lvl 12 helmite paladin in 2nd edition "died" fighting a demon lord (got tricked tackling him into a pit to finish him off and was actually brought into his layer in the abyss during the fight). It was a few sessions, but we had a whole planescape adventure to rescue him out of the abyss afterwards.
My lvl 5 gnomish College of Lore bard in dnd 5e had an archeologist background, we encountered ancient elven ruins underneath a city. I went full gnome over an entrance (door inside walls of the sewers, roughly), then quickly went inside.. Encountered small square room and that's it, some strange runes above our heads.. and a short table with a huge button in middle of it. I looked my party dead straight in the eyes and told 'sorry guys, you know I have to...' :D

As per Dm moments.. I hosted The One Ring (Middle-earth pnp adaptation) for my study group from uni, we had about 8 players +me, biggest group I ever DMed for. But 5 of them were regulars, so I just let newcomers make characters and they were just vibing. One of my friends insisted he makes a "troll slayer" character, despite my "gentle" advice against it, so I had them fight one. Felt amazing to be "BBEG" monster in middle of a room, just tossing ppl over. And the best part is, somehow due to miraculous work of dices nobody died, and they actually slayed the beast mostly thanks to a lucky spear toss that weakened the monster at the beginning of the encounter.
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