

The assassin, almost purely a martial class, is a master of dealing quick, lethal blows. Assassins often function as spies, informants, killers for hire, or agents of vengeance. Their skill in a variety of dark arts allows them to carry out missions of death with shocking, terrifying precision. The assassin is not evil due to devotion to an evil power, but rather due to a complete lack of morals or ethics.

Alignment Restriction: Any Evil

Hit Die: d8

Weapon - Simple, Assassin's Dagger
Armor - Light
Shield - None

Skill Points: 7 + INT Modifier

Class Skills: All Knowledges, Barter, Bluff, Craft Trap, Diplomacy, Handle Trap, Heal, Intimidate, Open Lock, Perception, Perform, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Taunt, Tumble

Primary Saving Throws: Reflex

Base Attack Bonus: + 3/4 Levels


Alignment Restriction: Any Evil
Skills: Hide 8 Ranks, Move Silently 8 Ranks
Special: At least 3 levels of Rogue or Monk

Level Progression

LevelHit DiceBABFortitudeReflexWillFeatsDeath Attack
1st1d8+0+0+2+0Use Poison, Death Attack, Poison Mastery1d6
2nd2d8+1+0+3+0Uncanny Dodge I, Poison Save I, Smokescreen1d6
3rd3d8+2+1+3+1Superior Initiative1d6
4th4d8+3+1+4+1Smoke Bomb 1/day, Poison Save II1d6
5th5d8+3+1+4+1Smoke Bomb 2/day, Uncanny Dodge II2d6
6th6d8+4+2+5+2Poison Save III, Deadly Focus 1/day2d6
7th7d8+5+2+5+2Dust of Tracelessness2d6
8th8d8+6+2+6+2Poison Save IV2d6
9th9d8+6+3+6+3Grappling Hook3d6
10th10d8+7+3+7+3Hide in Plain Sight, Uncanny Dodge III, Poison Save IV, Deadly Focus 2/day,3d6
*: Hit dice and base attack bonus are averaged beginning at character level 12 as per standard TDN progression rules. Prestige classes do not add additional hit dice or base attack bonus after character level 11.

Dev Notes:
  • Assassins are no longer casters. Their spell-kit has instead been modified to be gadgets that function in-game the same as the spells. In terms of RP, Assassins should roleplay that their abilities are gadgets/tools, and not spells.
  • The *Death Attack* overhead text has been modified to show as *Sneak Attack* for everyone except for the assassin themself.

Poison Mastery: The assassin gains a bonus of +1 to the DC of any poisons they use.

Smokescreen: The assassin instantly produces an alchemical mist around them, as the Entropic Shield spell. This ability may be used once per day.

Smoke Bomb: The assassin instantly throws a smoke bomb, as the Darkness spell. This ability may be used once per day. At level 5, this ability may be used twice per day.

Deadly Focus: The assassin instantly focuses on an enemy's weak points, as the True Strike spell. This ability may be used once per day. At level 10, this ability may be used twice per day. Duration is 1 round.

Dust of Tracelessness: The assassin instantly douses himself with an exotic admixture, concealing him from view as the Invisibility spell. This ability may be used once per day.

Grappling Hook: The assassin throws a grappling hook to a nearby location, dragging him towards it as the Dimension Door spell. This ability may be used once per day.

Hide in Plain Sight: A limited, natural version of the shadowdancer's flagship ability. The assassin's version of this ability represents them quickly diving for cover or camouflage using their incredible reflexes rather than any kind of magical cloaking. This ability may be used once every minute and has a minimum range of 10 meters in urban environments This minimum distance increases to 15 meters in non-urban environments, where a typical assassin will be far less comfortable in their surroundings.