The Dragon's Neck
The Dragon's Neck Wiki

Companion Control Printable version

The Dragon's Neck offers custom methods of controlling a player's companions through the use of Commands:

Specific Associate Commands

By using the Player Tool #2 (Targeting Tool), players who target their summons can select them for specific actions. When used in conjunction with Player Tool #1, the summoner can send the selected associate to do specific actions. (Attack Enemies, Move, Unlock Doors, and Disarm Traps.)

Speaking through Companions/Associates

!asct speak a hello world - Will speak "hello world" through the Animal Companion.

!asct speak d hello world - Will speak "hello world" through the Dominated Creature.

!asct speak f hello world - Will speak "hello world" through the Familiar.

!asct speak s hello world - Will speak "hello world" through the Summon.

Flagging Hostile/Passive

!asct hostile - Will allow the Player Tool #1 to be used to target Neutral and non-hostile creatures and the companion(s) will attack.

!asct passive - Will disable the companion's ability to target a non-hostile creature and will instead follow the target.

Activating Companion(s) Special Ability

!asct ability - Will command all valid companions to use their Special Ability.
  • Companions with a hostile special ability will target the nearest Hostile UNLESS one has already been selected using the Player Tool #2.
  • Companions with a non-hostile special ability (Boar Ferocity for example) will activate on self.