Aerdrie Faenya (air-dree fah-ane-yuh), the elven goddess of the air, weather, and birds, is chaotic good. She is also called the Winged Mother and the Lady of Air and Wind. Stories say that she was revered in times past by the legendary winged avariel elves, but now she is mainly venerated by those elves who are interested in the weather, especially druids and rangers, and by those elves who either possess winged mounts or have befriended flying creatures. The domains associated with her are Air, Animal, and Good, and her favored weapon is the quarterstaff.
Like all the Seldarine, Aerdrie is venerated by all elves save the drow. However, aside from those winged elves who remain, very few of the Fair Folk primarily worship the Lady of Air and Wind. The Queen of the Avariel is seen as flighty, even for the chaotic Seldarine, and somewhat distant, and the inclusion of the aarakocra and other avian races slightly diminishes the strength of elven devotion to her. Novices of Aerdrie are known as Eaglets or the Tethered. Full priests of the Winged Mother are known as Winged Brothers or Sisters. Titles used by Aerdrian priests vary widely from temple to temple, with many high-ranking priests having unique individual titles. Among the priest caste of the winged elves of Mount Sundabar, commonly employed titles include Aquiline Hunter, Cloud Walker, Feathered Dancer, Rain Bringer, Rising Thermal, Silent Screech, Sky Diver, Soaring Spirit, and Wind Chaser. Specialty priests are known as Halcyons. At one time, the clergy of Aerdrie was dominated by winged elves (90%), but her church today consists primarily of moon elves (40%), gold elves (38%), aarakocra (10%), and elves and half-elves of other subraces (8%). A handful (4%) of winged elves (including half a dozen or so half-winged elves whose wings are strong enough only for gliding) compose the remainder other clergy, scattered across the most distant and inaccessible reaches of the Realms. Although specialty priests compose only a small fraction of Aerdrie's clergy (20%), they occupy nearly all of the high positions within the Wind Mother's church. The remainder of Aerdrie's priests are either clerics (42%), including multiclassed half-elven clerics, air elementalists (30%), or mystics (8%). About 59% of Aerdrie's clergy members are female, the remainder are male.
Ceremonial garb for priests of Aerdrie consists of sky-blue robes, with those of high rank wearing the darkest shades. Feathers are used in decorating their clothing and armor, and at least one feather is worn in the hair. The holy symbol of the faith is a feather of great beauty, willingly given after molting by a sentient avian who venerates the Winged Mother. A new feather must be found at least once per year.
The elven goddess of fertility, birth, and wisdom, Angharradh (ongahr-rath), is chaotic good. She is known as the Triune Goddess and the Queen of Arvandor. She combines the aspects of three elven goddesses, Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow, but she is an entity distinct from them, as they are beings separate from her. She is revered almost exclusively by moon elves and moon half-elves, who believe that she is the consort of Corellon Larethian. The domains associated with her are Good, Knowledge, Plant, and Protection, and her favored weapons are the longspear and shortspear.
Novices of Angharradh are known as Triune Seekers. Full priests of the Triune Goddess are known as Trimorphs. Angharradhan priests use titles as appropriate for the aspect they primarily venerate. Specialty priests are known as either Circle Singers or Totem Sisters (druids). The clergy of Angharradh includes moon elves (93%), half-moon elves (5%), and elves and half-elves of other subraces (2%). Angharradh's clergy is composed primarily of clerics, crusaders, mystics, and specialty priests of Aerdrie Faenya (15%), Hanali Celanil (35%), and Sehanine Moonbow (40%). The remainder (10%) are Totem Sisters, a type of druid. Perhaps 33% of the specialty priests of the three affiliated with the faith of Angharradh are actually circle singers. The clergy of Angharradh is pretty evenly split between male (48%) and female (52%).
Angharradh's priests wear the ceremonial garb of the clergies of the Three. Some priests wear the garb of one aspect of the Triune Goddess, while other priests incorporate pieces of each fashion into their holy vestments. The holy symbol of the faith is an inverted silver triangle inscribed on both faces with the symbol of the Triune Goddess.
Corellon Larethian
The leader of the elven pantheon, Corellon Larethian (core-ehlon lah-reth-ee-yen), is said to have given birth to the entire elven race, although sometimes Sehanine (or Angharradh) is given credit as well. Elven lore states that the Fair Folk sprang from drops of blood Corellon shed in epic battles with Gruumsh mingled with Sehanine's (or Angharradh's) tears. The Creator of the Elves embodies the highest ideals of elvenkind, and he is the patron of most aesthetic endeavors, including art, magic, music, poetry, and warfare. He is venerated by all the Fair Folk, except the drow and those who have turned to Lolth, Ghaunadaur, Vhaeraun, and other dark powers. Corellon is especially popular with elf and half-elf mages, musicians, and poets. The domains associated with him are Good, Magic, Protection, and War, and his favored weapon is the longsword.
Corellon is venerated by all the Tel'Quessir who have not turned to dark powers, even those who do not specifically worship him, for the Fair Folk were born of his blood, and they do not forget their debt to the Creator. Curiously, the clergy Corellon's church is somewhat removed from elven society, and the Protector's priesthood is less involved in the governance of elven realms , than a N'Tel'Quess might imagine. Novices of Corellon are known as the Faerna. Full priests of the Protector are known as the Faernsuora. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Corellite priests are Aegisess (Protector), Adoness (Peacekeeper), Kerynsuoress (Holy Warrior), Ivae'ess (Lightbringer), Avae'ess (Joy-bringer), Syolkiir (Wildstar), Lateu'suoress (Crescent- Moonblessed), Araegisess (Great Protector), Aradoness (Great Peacekeeper), and Ark-erynsuoress (Great Holy Warrior). High-ranking priests have unique individual titles but are collectively known as the Cormiira (Blessings of Corellon). Specialty priests are known as Feywardens. The clergy of Corellon includes gold elves (33%), moon elves (30%), wild elves (15%), sea elves (10%), half-elves of various ancestries (12%) and even a handful of dark elves. Corellon's clergy is nearly evenly divided between clerics (38%), including fighter/clerics, specialty priests (30%), crusaders (28%) and a handful of wizards (4%), including mages, specialist wizards, and multiclassed mages. The clergy of Corellon contains a few more males (55%) than females (45%).
Ceremonial vestments for priests of Corellon - often worn in normal situations by choice, although such attire is not required - consist of azure robes made of gossamer and embroidered with silver quarter moons. Silver circlets engraved with the Protector's symbol are worn on the brow. The holy symbol of the faith is a silver or mithral lunate pendant worn on a slender chain hung from the neck.
Deep Sashelas - Not available for divine worship on TDN: must be Aquatic Elf, or Half Aquatic Elf which is not available.
Deep Sashelas (deep sa-sheh-lahs), the elven god of oceans and sea elves, is chaotic good. His titles include the Lord of the Undersea and the Dolphin Prince. He is the patron of sea elves and is friendly towards all nonevil sea-dwelling races as well as their deities. He and his followers have an especially good relationship with dolphins. He teaches his followers to defend the homelands of the sea elves and their allies against undersea races that are bent on their destruction, as well as to protect and to revel in the serene and unique beauty found only underwater. The domains associated with him are Good, Knowledge, and Water, and his favored weapon is the trident.
As Lord of the Undersea and de facto leader of the asathalfinare, Deep Sashelas is well regarded by most nonevil races who reside beneath the surface of Toril's oceans. Whereas aquatic elves generally venerate Sashelas to the near exclusion of the other members of the Seldarine, elves of other races view him simply as one god of the pantheon of nature- and magic-oriented deities who compose the Seldarine. Some sailors (particularly land elves) sacrifice to Sashelas for their safety and aquatic elven clerics take these offerings and trade with other mortals for the gain of the entire race.
Sashelas's numerous temples are managed by an organized clerical hierarchy collectively known as Delphions. The clergy of each temple are locally autonomous, but they provide each other with information about the movement of the sahuagin and other enemies. Novices of the faith are known as the Impure, while acolytes of the faith are known as the Bathed. Titles employed in most temples of the Great Sea include Sea Otter, Seal, Walrus, Sea Lion, Delphinus, Narwhal, and Balaenas. Titles employed in most temples of the Inner Sea include Clam, Oyster, Nautilus, Argonaut, Trophon, Cowrie, Abalone, Conch, and Pearl. High priests of the faith are collectively known as Delphites but always have unique individual titles. Almost all Delphions are aquatic elves (99%), with the remainder (1%) aquatic half-elves. According to legend, a handful of malentia type of sahuagin that is externally identical to an aquatic elf-have renounced their evil heritage in ages past and become priests of Deep Sashelas. Specialty priests come into two varieties: sea druids and aquarians. Aquarians (50%) and clerics (35%) make up the large majority of the clergy and are strongly affiliated with a single community. Crusaders (10%) make up the militant arm of the faith and tend to migrate from community to community in response to increasing tensions with neighboring communities of sahuagin. Sea druids (5%) have little to do with their kin, tending to the vast unsettled reaches of the Undersea and leading largely solitary lives. They are organized into at least two druidic domain hierarchies, the Circle of the Great Sea and the Circle of Fallen Stars. The clergy of Shashelas is pretty evenly split between male (51%) and female (49%) members.
Priests of Deep Sashelas wear either loose-fitting sea green robes or armor created entirely from shells hut eschew any form of headdress. Shell mail, as it is known, effectively serves only an ornamental role for sea elves, as it provides a base Armor Class of 9. The holy symbol of the faith is a lustrous pearl at least one half inch in diameter.
Eilistraee - The faith is too drow centric and out of place for TDN, as there are no opportunities of worship in our setting, drow being extremely rare and unavailable to PCs.
Eilistraee (eel-iss-tray-yee) is the deity of good drow and those of that race who wish to be able to live on the surface in peace, as well as surface-elves who support these drow. A melancholy, moody deity, she is a lover of beauty and peace but is not averse to striking back against those that would harm her followers. The evil of most drow causes a great anger to burn within her. The domains associated with her are Good, Luck, and Travel and her favored weapon is the bastard sword.
The followers of Eilistraee are figures of legend in both the Underdark and the Lands of Light. They are the subject of superstitions and wildly inaccurate mistruths, held by surface dwellers to be the evil vanguard of the Spider Goddess's plot to plunge all of Faerun into darkness under her rule and held by those drow who follow the Way of Lolth (or other evil gods) to be faerie (surface elf) invaders masquerading as dark elves in preparation for the coming war of annihilation. Rare is the individual - dark elf or not - who appreciates that Eilistraee is forging her own path, one that welcomes beings of all races who revel in life and the free form expression of all that entails.
Any hungry travelers met with, who offer no threats, are to be fed by the faithful of Eilistraee. While traveling, priests are to carry food with them for this purpose at all times. Where food cannot be purchased or received, it must be gathered or hunted for. Faithful of Eilistraee are to set aside food and give it as often as possible to strangers in need, particularly outcasts and those of other races.
The clergy of Eilistraee are collectively known as Dark Ladies, although individual temples often have a unique collective name for the Dark Maiden's priests. Acolytes and aspirants to the clergy who wish to join a temple or who have not yet attained full priesthood are known as Maids. The titles of individual priests vary widely - and at some temples are personally selected during a private Flame Song - but some common examples include Moon Dancer, Moon Singer, Dark Huntress, Argent Maid, Living Sword, Unsheathed Blade, Sword Smith, Bright Edge of Darkness, and Ghost of the Moonstruck Night. Specialty priests of the Dark Maiden are known as Sword Dancers and, including multiclassed specialty priests, make up the vast majority (90%) other clergy. The fraction of clerics (including multiclassed clerics) in Eilistraee's service (6%) has always been small and is continuing to shrink. A small fraction (2%) of Lady Silverhair's clergy, found predominantly in the South, although that has started to change in the aftermath of the Time of Troubles, are crusaders, and all are members of the Darksong Knights. An even smaller fraction (less than 1%) of those who venerate the Lady of the Dance are mystics. Such priests invariably discover Eilistraee on their own and come to worship the Dark Maiden outside of any established church environment.
Priests of Eilistraee wear their hair long, and dress practically for whatever they are currently doing. For rituals, they wear as little as possible. Otherwise, they tend to wear soft leathers for hunting, aprons while cooking, and - when battle is expected - armor. When relaxing, they favor silvery, diaphanous gowns. The holy symbol of the faith is a silver sword pendant the length of a Dark Lady's hand. Such symbols are typically worn as pins or hung around the neck on a slender silver or mithral chain.
Erevan Ilesere
The elven god of mischief and rogues, Erevan Ilesere (air-eh-van illeh-seer), is chaotic neutral. His titles include the Trickster and the Chameleon. He is an ever-changing god, always looking for some exciting new adventure or mischief to engage in. His fun-loving and prankish nature has somewhat strained his relationships with his fellow elven deities, and as a result he spends most of his time with deities who share similar mischievous outlooks. His followers are always looking for new sources of excitement and are notorious adventurers and pranksters. The domains associated with him are Luck, and Trickery, and his favored weapon is the short sword.
Erevan may never be worshiped in the same location twice, and few of his followers remain in at any location for any length of time. As such, only a handful of temples of the Trickster exist, and they are carefully hidden. For the most part, Erevan's houses of worship are little more than permanent shrines by the standards of other faiths and they are reserved for meetings and the like. The handful of priests who tend such shrines of necessity must go elsewhere to pray to their god. Despite the general appreciation for anecdotes about the exploits of Erevan's fol lowers, individuals are often rightly regarded with a great deal of suspicion in person.
Novices of Erevan are known as the Gullible. Full priests of the Trickster are known as Quicksilvers. Priests of Erevan of all ranks create their own titles and most change their titles frequently. Specialty priests are known as Mischiefmakers. Priests of the faith typically associate themselves with one or more regional branches of the faith, but such ties are voluntary and typically quite fluid. Contact between the various branches of the faith is infrequent at best. The clergy of Erevan includes moon elves (45%), green elves (30%), half-elves of various ancestries (15%), gold elves (9%), and a handful of elves of other races (1%). Erevan's clergy includes specialty priests (40%), specialty priest/thieves (20%), thieves (16%), cleric/thieves (14%), and clerics (10%). The clergy of Erevan has slightly more males (53%) than females (47%).
The ceremonial garb of the Trickster's priesthood emphasizes the practical over the ornamental. Erevan's priests wear black leather armor and black leather caps, though their armor is often concealed by clothing or cloaks. The holy symbol of the faith is a stolen trinket of some sort that has been blessed by a priest of Erevan. Each such holy symbol must be replaced by another purloined token at least once every ten days, more frequently if at all possible. Note that the spell 'create holy symbol' is never granted to priests of Erevan as the god expects them to provide for themselves.
Fenmarel Mestarine
Fenmarel Mestarine (fehn-muh-rehl mess-tuh-reen), the elven god of outcasts and isolation, is chaotic neutral. Those who have left traditional elven society, either intentionally or involuntarily, as well as elves who wish to isolate themselves from the outside world, worship him. He is the patron of wild elves and is worshiped by most members of that race, as well as outcast elves of all types. He teaches his followers to be self-sufficient, to forge their own path, and to cultivate the arts of camouflage and deception. The domains associated with him are Animal, Plant, and Travel, and his favored weapon is the dagger.
The church of Fenmarel is regarded with a great deal of suspicion and hostility in most elven societies, for many of his followers in such areas are considered to be little better than outlaws, even if their exile is voluntary. Only in isolated tribes that actively venerate the Lone Wolf (usually to the exclusion of all other deities) are his faithful accorded respect for the practical lessons of survival that they teach. Among other races, Fenmarel and his followers are either unknown or spoken of as primitive followers of a savage god, both of whom are better left undisturbed.
Novices of Fenmarel are known as the Lost. Full priests of the Lone Wolf are known as the Unbowed. Fenmarel's priests create their own individual titles or forgo them altogether. Specialty priests, known as Lone Wolves, are comprised of green elves (53%), moon elves (22%), half elves (10%), lythan (8%), gold elves (6%), and a handful of elves of other ancestries (1%). Fenmarel's clergy includes only specialty priests (100%). The clergy of Fenmarel has a slightly higher number of male members (56%) than female members (44%).
The ceremonial garb of Fenmaren priests in primitive bands deep in the wilderness consists of bodies plastered in mud and covered with leaves and sticks. Among more civilized groups, Fenmaren priests garb themselves in hide armor adorned with bones, teeth, and crude drawings of wild beasts. The holy symbol of the faith is a talon or fang of a wild beast slain without any assistance by the priest who bears it.
Hanali Celanil
The elven goddess of love, beauty, and art, Hanali Celanil (han-uhlee sell-uh-nihl), is chaotic good. Her titles include the Heart of Gold and Lady Goldheart. She is a joyful deity and delights especially in the creation of beautiful things and in the intense love of youth. She exhorts her followers to spread love, happiness, and beauty and to defend against those who would destroy these things. She is on good terms with Sharess and Sune, with whom she has friendly arguments over the merits of elven versus human beauty. The domains associated with her are Good, Magic, and Protection, and her favored weapon is the dagger.
Although it is not an absolute requirement, very few clerics of Hanali have a Charisma score below 15. Although Hanali is not widely known outside of elven society, there is an intense rivalry between the followers of Lady Goldheart and those of Sune. Novices of Hanali are known as the Beauteous. Full priests of the Heart of Gold are known as Paramours. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Hanalian priests are Dove, Suitor, Lover, Libertine, Soft Caress, Heart's Desire, and Fiery Ardor. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as Goldhearts. The clergy of Hanali includes gold elves (30%), moon elves (28%), half-gold elves (17%), half-moon elves (15%), wild elves (7%), half-wild elves (2%), and a handful (1%) of dark elves, sea elves, winged elves, and half-elves of those ancestries. Hanali's clergy includes specialty priests (38%), mystics (32%), and clerics (including multiclassed half-elven clerics) (30%) and is nearly evenly split between females (54%) and males (46%).
Hanali's priesthood pride themselves on the stunning beauty of their clerical vestments. Paramours wear golden robes sprinkled with gold dust, and they wear their hair long and unbound without any covering. Gold rings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and earrings are common adornments. The holy symbol of the faith is either a miniature gold rose or a miniature gold stylized heart. Both forms of Hanali's holy symbol are often worn as a brooch or necklace.
Khalreshaar (Kal-REH-shay-are) is an uncommon and debated elven demi-goddess of half-elves. Her titles include the Falconess, the Two-Blooded Princess, and Lady Leafheart. Khalreshaar is the name by which Mielikki is known on Evermeet, the Green Isle. In this aspect, Mielikki is said to serve Rillifane Rallathil, not Silvanus, delivering messages and doing errands for the Leaflord when speed is of the essence. While Khalreshaar/Mielikki is in some respects an interloper god in the elven pantheon, the Fair Folk speak of a female human druid who was elevated to the ranks of the divine by the Seldarine when she was slain by soldiers of a human warlord as she attempted to defend elven woodlands from the encroachment of civilization. Since the Time of Troubles, a growing cult, composed primarily of half-elves, has begun to give more credence to myths which claim that Mielikki is the daughter of Silvanus and Hanali Celanil. They have begun to venerate Khalreshaar as the first truly half-elven power, much to the dismay of many full-blooded elves. Rangers and druids, especially Wild Elves, who spend much of their time exploring and traveling make likely candidates for revering Khalreshaar - as do Half-Elves of any specialty. The domains associated with her are Animal, Good, Plant, and Travel, and her chosen weapon is the scimitar.
True to her namesake, the Falconess may announce her presence through a shrill raptor call or the sighting of a falcon. Other instances of her attendance may be a light wind at one's back, or flowers lining a path to be taken - white flowers on the left side and red flowers on the right side.
The church of the Two-Blooded Princess is very small, consisting mainly of druids and rangers, however, isolated tribes may be served by a shaman and clerics are not unknown within greater communities. Novices of Khalreshaar are known as Walkers, while full priests are called Brother/Sister Rider. The small church uses no formal ascension of ranks, but the use of impressive and pretentious titles when undeserved is greatly frowned upon with most common clergy preferring more modest titles similar to Swift Rider, Fast Feather, Pathkeeper, Twinblooded, or Trailblazer. The clergy of Khalreshaar includes half-elves (50%), wild elves (40%), other elves (9%), other mix-blooded creatures (1%). The clergy is divided between rangers (60%), druids (25%), shamans (10%), clerics (5%), and has slightly more women (55%) than men (45%).
Priests of Khalreshaar wear practical clothing and armor of natural colors, with special pride being in the quality of their footwear. Her symbol is an oak tree with a white blood droplet just to the left of the trunk and a red blood droplet just to the right of the trunk, symbolizing her mixed heritage coming together into a heart for nature.
Labelas Enoreth
The elven god of time and longevity, Labelas Enoreth (lah-bay-lahs ehn-or-eth), is chaotic good. His titles include the Lifegiver and the Sage at Sunset. It was he who blessed the elves with their longevity, their seemingly eternal youth, and their wisdom. He is a teacher, a historian, and a sage, and is revered by folk in those professions. He and his followers mark the passage of time and history. They do not forget the slights of the past and often right wrongs that more short-lived races have long forgotten. The domains associated with him are Good and Knowledge, and his chosen weapon is the quarterstaff.
The church of Labelas has a small, but dedicated, following in most elven cultures, and its teachings are widely heralded throughout the realms of the Tel'Quessir. The counsel of the Lifegiver's priests is always sought when far-reaching decisions must be made. Novices of Labelas are known as Tyros. Full priests of the Lifegiver are known as Time Sentinels. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Labelasan priests are Observer, Recorder, Librarian, Lorist, Scholar, Historian, Sage, and Philosopher. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles but are collectively known as the Wizened Specialty priests are known as Chronologians. The clergy of Labelas includes gold elves (40%), moon elves (30%), wood elves (12%), sea elves (10)%, half-elves of those ancestries (7%), and a handful of elves and half-elves of other stock (1%). Labelas's clergy is divided between clerics (77%), specialty priests (20%), and a handful of mystics (2%) and chronomancers (1%). The clergy of Labelas has many more women (61%) than men (39%).
Priests of Labelas wear light gray robes of wispy, gossamer construction. When a small light source is viewed through the robes, such vestments shine with the deep reds, purples, and oranges of the sunset. The holy symbol of the faith is a semicircular gold disk carved to resemble the setting sun.
Rillifane Rallathil
Rillifane Rallathil (rill-ih-fane rall-uh-thihl), the elven god of woodlands, nature, and wood elves, is chaotic good. His titles include the Leaflord, the Wild One, and the Great Oak. He is often portrayed as a huge, ethereal oak tree whose roots and branches touch every living plant and who succors and nourishes all living things. He and his followers believe that all things should be free to live out their lives as nature ordained, and as a result they fiercely protect untouched places, especially the great forests and the creatures therein, from all who would despoil them. The domains associated with him are Good, Plant, and Protection, and his favored weapon is the quarterstaff.
Rillifane is venerated by nearly all the Sy-Tel'Quessir, and his priests serve as the spiritual and moral leaders of most green elven tribes and communities. The Leaflord's church is greatly admired by the other subraces of the Fair Folk for its principled stand in favor of the preeminence of nature, and the faith's priests are widely respected wherever they travel. Nevertheless, the uncompromising stance of some members of Ril-lifane's clergy sometimes leads to conflicts over both tactics and degree with the leaders of the Ar-Tel'Quessir, the Teu-Tel'Quessir, and other churches of the Seldarine. Halflings, particularly tallfellows, gnomes, particularly forest gnomes, centaurs, and hybsils all pay homage to the Leaflord if they live in or on the border of elven woodlands. Dwarves rarely come into contact or conflict with the forest-dwelling followers of Rillifane, and humans tend to view the Leaflord as simply an even more primitive and wild aspect of Silvanus the Oak Father.
Novices of Rillifane are known as Acorns. Full priests of the Leaflord are known as Oakhearts. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Rillifanean priests are Felsul, Silverbark, Laspar, Hiexel, Blueleaf, Phandar, Duskwood, Shadowtop, and Weirwood. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles, and druids have titles reflecting their place in the hierarchy of that branch of the faith as well. Specialty priests are known as druids (or Skinwalkers). The clergy of Rillifane includes green elves (52%), moon elves (26%), lythari (8%), gold elves (6%), half-elves of various ancestries (4%), voadkyn (3%), and a handful of other elven races as well (1%). Rillifane's clergy is dominated by specialty priests (75%), including multiclassed half-elven specialty priests, but includes clerics (20%), including multiclassed half-elven clerics, and mystics (5%) as well. The clergy of Rillifane contains a pretty even number of male (51%) and female (49%) members.
The ceremonial garb of the Leaflord's priests includes a laurel wreath worn on the head and armor fashioned of tree bark. Dark green dyes are rubbed into the armor to show rank within the church, with the darkest hue reserved for the high priests of the faith. Tree bark armor provides protection equivalent to leather armor, but the wearer incurs a -1 penalty for all saving throws against fire. The holy symbol of the faith is an acorn enclosed in amber.
Sehanine Moonbow
Sehanine Moonbow (seh-ha-neen moon-boe), the elven goddess of mysticism, dreams, death, journeys, and the moon is chaotic good. Her titles include the Daughter of the Night Skies, the Goddess of Moonlight, and the Lady of Dreams. A quiet and mystical goddess, it is said that her tears, mingled with Corellon’s blood, gave life to the elven race. She watches over the dreams of the elves and protects those who go on long journeys, including the final journey of death. She is the goddess of subtle magic such as divinations and illusions, and her association with moonlight makes her especially beloved by the moon elves. The domains associated with her are Good, Knowledge, and Travel, and her favored weapon is the quarterstaff.
The church of Sehanine is generally perceived as removed from the daily concerns and outward expression of everyday life. As such, little is known of the Lady of Dreams and her clergy members by the N'Tel'Quess. Novices of Sehanine are known as the Mooncalled. Full priests of the Daughter of the Night Skies are known as the Heavenly. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Sehanite priests are Stargazer, Moondancer, Sky Seer, Vision Seeker, Omen Teller, Dream Walker, Transcendentalist and Reverent Dreamer. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as Starsingers. The clergy of Sehanine includes moon elves (54%), gold elves (34%), wild elves (5%), half-moon elves (4%), half-gold elves (1%), and half-wild elves (1%), and a handful (1%) of dark elves, sea elves, winged elves, and half-elves of those ancestries. Sehanine's clergy includes specialty priests (40%), mystics (35%), clerics (20%), including multiclassed half-elven clerics, and crusaders (5%) and the priesthood is nearly evenly split between females (52%) and males (48%).
Members of Sehanine's clergy favor silvery- white diaphanous gowns (for the priestesses) and togas (for the priests). A silver diadem is worn on the head, oftentimes with a moonstone pendant dangling above the brow. Simple sandals are worn on the feet, and a silver lace sash is worn around the waist. The holy symbol of the faith is a moonbar crystal carved in the shape of a small flat disk approximately three inches in diameter), and such devices are often worn around the neck on a delicate-looking silver or mithral chain.
Shevarash (shev-uh-rash), the elven god of vengeance, loss, and hatred of the drow, is chaotic neutral. His titles include the Black Archer and the Night Hunter. He was once a mortal elf whose family and friends were brutally killed during a drow attack. He swore vengeance, and he spent the rest of his life hunting drow and raiding their cities. Such was his dedication, that he was made a god after his death. His worshipers follow in his footsteps, swearing to destroy the hated drow and fearlessly hunting them down even at the doorsteps of their own cities. The domains associated with him are Destruction and War, and his favored weapon is the longbow.
except in communities where attacks by drow raiders are fairly common. Although the dedication and passion with which Shevarashan priests pursue their hated quarry is much appreciated by their kin, few elves can understand the intense, all-consuming hatred that consumes members of this faith. To the Fair Folk, the all-consuming hunger for vengeance exhibited by Shevarashan avengers has more in common with the wars waged by the N'Tel'Quess than it does with elven sensibilities. As such, there is a measure of pity among elves for the sad fate of those who join this cult out of grief, and many elven theologians doubt that the spirits of those who follow the Black Archer are able to ascend to Arvanaith when they inexorably fall to the overwhelming spells and blades of the drow. Among other surface races, the cult of Shevarash is almost unknown.
Novices of Shevarash are known as the Haunted. Full priests of the Black Archer are known as Dark Avengers. Shevarashan priests have unique individual titles, most of which include a litany of the foes they have slain. Specialty priests are known as Dhaeraowathila, an elvish word that can be loosely translated as drowbane. The clergy of Shevarash includes green elves (33%), moon elves (32%), gold elves (29%), and half-elves of those subraces (6%). Shevarash's clergy is evenly divided between specialty priests (34%), crusaders (33%), and rangers (33%), and has equal numbers of males (50%) and females (50%).
The ceremonial garb of the faith consists of silver chain mail, a blood-red half-cloak, and a silver helm with a fixed half-visor that covers only the upper half of the face. The holy symbol of the faith is a broken arrowshaft that has been dipped in drow blood and blessed by a priest of Shevarash.
Solonor Thelandira
The elven god of archery, hunting, and wilderness survival, Solonor Thelandira (soe-loe-nohr theh-lan-dih-ruh), is chaotic good. His titles include Keen Eye, the Great Archer, and the Forest Hunter. His areas of concern are the arts of archery, hunting, and stealth. He bids his followers to respect nature, to hunt only at need, and to defend the forests from those who would despoil them. He and his followers are consummate archers and are capable of pulling off shots of amazing and astounding accuracy and skill. The domains associated with him are Good, Plant, and War, and his favored weapon is the longbow.
While Solonor is well regarded throughout elven society, most of his worshipers are drawn from those Fair Folk who live outside the great cities in small forest communities. His worship is particularly prevalent among green elves and moon elven commoners involved in the day-to-day realities of living in harmony with nature and preserving the environment in the face of the destructive impulses of other races. While some gold elves drawn to the simple appeal of living in direct harmony with the woods may be found in Solonor's church, for the most part the Ar-Tel'Quessir and even the haughtiest Teu-Tel'Quessir nobility romanticize the teachings of the Great Archer while contemptuously dismissing those who compose the ranks of the Great Archer's faithful as base and worthy of a small measure of scorn.
Novices of Solonor are known as Fledglings. Full priests of Keen- Eye are known as Hawkeyes. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Solonoran priests are Fletcher, Bowyer, Archer, Gray Wolf, Snow Tiger, Grizzly Bear, Blood Hawk, Fire Falcon, and Gold Eagle. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as rangers. The clergy of Solonor includes moon elves (33%), green elves (28%), gold elves (22%), half-moon elves (8%), half-green elves (3%), half-gold elves (2%), lythari (3%), and a handful (1%) of elves and half-elves of other ancestries. Solonor's clergy includes rangers (36%), cleric/rangers (33%), and clerics (31%), including half-elven multiclassed clerics other than cleric/rangers. The clergy is almost equally divided among males (52%) and females (48%).
The ceremonial garb of Solonor's clergy consists of suits of silvered chain mail-elven chain mail, if available-with silver cloaks and leaf green hoods. The holy symbol of the faith is either an oversized arrowhead at least three inches in length embossed on both faces with Solonor's symbol, a silver medallion embossed with the head of a stag, or three feathers attached to a leather disk hung from a leather cord.
Ynaerala Nuibrar
The elven god of law, Ynaerala is Lawful Good. Ynaerala is said to be petite but almost blindingly beautiful, Her great mass of hair being fiery red dappled with silver. When the elves encountered Her, She wore a dress made of a mixture of autumnal and evergreen leaves and a crown of wild flowers woven with twigs atop Her head. Songbirds can be heard softly singing wherever She is, even when none can be seen.
The Lady of Seasons has a tender temperament, gentle and loving, promoting peace and balance amongst Tel’Quessir and other races. However, She is also said to be firm in Her principles, and can be fiery against those who would disrupt the natural order of things. She has a particular loathing for evil druids, necromancers and the undead. She also despises the Eldreth Veluuthra, whom She views as defiling the elven way of life and the teachings of Her father.
As the daughter of Corellon and Angarradh, and due to Her sweet nature, She is warmly welcomed into the pantheon by the rest of the Seldarine. In contrast, She was instantly an enemy of the Dark Seldarine at birth and none hate Her more than Lolth, whose portfolio She directly opposes.
Ynaerala in turn hates Lolth and Her dichotomy, but feels pity and sadness for what became of the drow. Nonetheless, as both Lolth, the Dark Seldarine and their people threaten the elves, She is as squarely opposed to them as Her parents. She also developed a fast fondness for the dwarves after being introduced to the Morndinsamman and finding their views aligned in some ways, appreciating their love of order and creation, even if it differs quite wildly from Her own roots in nature. The followers of Ynaerala primarily promote law and order within elven society. This has gained much traction in the aftermath of the Longest Year, despite the lack of personal communication between the goddess and Her worshippers, as it helped the elves of Evermeet in particular to lift themselves back up from calamity. Both druids and clerics venerate Her in much the same way, grounded very deeply in nature and the veneration of its cyclical beauty - birth, death and rebirth.
An elven paladin order was formed in her name, the Sentinels of the Seasons, originally founded by moon elves from Evermeet, who devote themselves to keeping the natural state of things in a similar manner to druids. Primarily, they combat anything unnatural to the world and anything that would corrupt it - particularly the undead and their invokers, but also they starkly oppose Blighters and other abberations that corrupt and twist the land. Their choosing to adopt the notion of paladinhood came from those moon elves leaving Evermeet to venture into other lands to see the effects that the Longest Year had on other nations and peoples. In their journeys, they married the teachings of Ynaerala with human ideas, as the Teu-tel-quessir are wont to do.
In time, they brought these concepts back to Evermeet, where some sun elven followers of Ynaerala came to the idea, adapting it to the worship of her father, Corellon. Wood and wild elven followers of Ynaerala are currently few, as they have had the least exposure to her concepts and ideas, but do still exist in certain spaces.