Feat Changes

(Note on all combat modes: Combat modes in TDN are NOT removed by movement.)

New Feats:

Deadly Aim: Adds Dexterity modifier to damage with ranged attacks (Maximum of +4). Requires a BAB of +7.

Sharpshooter: Adds 1d4 damage when using a crossbow or sling. Requires +5 BAB, 13 DEX, and Weapon Focus in any crossbow or sling.

Two-Weapon Defense: Adds a +2 shield bonus to AC while fighting with two weapons or a weapon with the Double trait. Requires Two-Weapon Fighting.

Modified Existing Feats:

Ambidexterity -
No longer a selectable feat. Granted for free when Two-Weapon Fighting is selected as a feat.

Circle Kick: No longer a general feat. Now exclusively a Monk bonus feat.

Craft Wand

Divine Might: Now instant cast. Bonus to damage is limited to a maximum of Cleric/Paladin class level. Stlll requires 13 Strength and 13 Charisma but no longer requires Power Attack.

Divine Shield: Now instant cast. Bonus to AC is limited to a maximum of Cleric/Paladin class level and cannot exceed +2. Still requires 13 Strength and 13 Charisma but no longer requires Power Attack.

Extra Music: Now requires at least 5 levels of Bard.

Greater Spell Focus: Save DC increase reduced to +2.

Improved Critical: Feats have been added for new and custom weapons. The assassin's dagger uses the Improved Critical: Dagger feat. Now requires +7 BAB.

Improved Knockdown: Can only be activated once every 11 seconds.

Improved Power Attack: Now trades -2 AB for +2 damage. Two-handed weapons, instead, trade -2 AB for +4 damage.

Improved Two Weapon Fighting: Now requires 15 Dexterity and +7 BAB.

Improved Whirlwind Attack: No longer a general feat. Now exclusive to Weapon Master.

Can only be activated once every 11 seconds.

Power Attack: Now trades -1 AB for +1 damage. Two-handed weapons, instead, trade -1 AB for +2 damage.

Scribe Scroll

Spell Focus: Save DC increase reduced to +1.

Tower Shield Proficiency: Fighter and Warden receive this feat for free at level 1. Tower shields now yield one additional AC (to a total of +4), but also incur a -2 AB penalty.

Two-Weapon Fighting: Automatically grants Ambidexterity. Still requires 13 Dexterity. (If Ambidexterity is received as a class feat, TWF is freely granted).

Uncanny Dodge II: No longer grants Sneak Attack immunity.

Weapon Focus: Feats have been added for new and custom weapons. The assassin's dagger uses the Weapon Focus: Dagger feat.

Whirlwind Attack: No longer a general feat. Now exclusive to Weapon Master.

Removed Feats:

Brew Potion



Extend Spell

Extra Smiting

Improved Disarm

Improved Expertise