Custom Language System
Our custom language system is entirely command based, and feeds translation directly into the main window as opposed to the combat one. Races and certain classes will automatically receive particular languages upon character creation, such as a Druid immediately being given Druidic, or an Elf immediately receiving Elven. See the tables below for a complete list. Players have commands at their disposal, outlined below, to show what languages they have, and how many free language slots they have remaining.
- All characters receive Common.
- All characters receive a bonus language regardless of their race or INT score.
- Certain races receive an additional language based on their race (see below). Half-bloods do not receive an additional language based on their race in TDN.
- All characters receive additional bonus languages equal to their INT modifier. A negative INT modifier does not decrease the number of languages a character knows.
- All characters receive an additional bonus language for every 2 hard skill ranks they have invested in Linguistics. See the skill section of the wiki for more details
!lang show all
!lang show learned
!lang learn [LANGUAGE]
!lang speak [LANGUAGE]
Automatic Languages
The following languages are given automatically. Automatically given languages are classified as Innate ones, and as such will not count toward the total language count.
Race/Class | Common | Elven | Dwarven | Halfling | Gnomish | Orcish | Druidic |
Human | X | ||||||
Half-Elf | X | ||||||
Elf | X | X | |||||
Dwarf | X | X | |||||
Halfling | X | X | |||||
Gnome | X | X | |||||
Half-Orc | X | ||||||
Druid | X |
eg. A human with 12 INT and 2 ranks in Linguistics receives Common, 1 bonus language base, one bonus language for her INT, and one bonus language for her Linguistics (four total).
An elf with 12 INT and 2 ranks in Linguistics receives Common, Elven, 1 bonus language base, one bonus language for her INT, and one bonus language for her Linguistics (five total).
A gnome with 20 INT and 0 ranks in Linguistics receives Common, Gnomish, 1 bonus language base, and five bonus languages for her INT (eight total).
A half-orc with 8 INT and 0 ranks in Linguistics receives Common, and 1 bonus language base (two total).
Roleplaying Languages
Some classes may know phrases and words in certain languages that are relevant to their religion and/or culture, without having the respective language tokens, such as Draconic, Celestial, and so forth.
As an example, a Wizard knowing Draconic incantations for spell casting and reading scrolls (to a limited extent) is reasonable. A Cleric casting in Infernal, or Celestial, is also reasonable, but you cannot speak in sentences, nor understand the spoken language at all, or its written form for that matter - unless you have the language token (though the guidelines below still apply to those possessing language tokens of planar/elemental languages).
Having a Language like Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, or Abyssal does not mean the PC can fluently speak it and hold regular conversations in it; they know rote snippets, can comprehend it being spoken, as well as being able to read it, but these languages aren't meant to be conversational. Furthermore, they may only be used for topics and subjects relevant to them, e.g. you may not cast Evil spells with Celestial, or discuss baking cookies in Infernal. A mundane example is Latin; it is used in ritualistic purposes, it is the root of many other things, but no one converses in it.
These planar or elemental languages are not meant to have banter or discourse in, nor does having the token denote fluency; in most cases fluency of these languages are reserved for planars, devils, demons, etc. There are even specific examples of how the languages are layered in intricacy such that more powerful planars convey more meaning and will than lesser ones.
In addition for something mundane: non-elves cannot perfectly emulate the Elven tongue. They may understand it and speak it competently, but they will miss out on nuance and conveying emotions and subtleties through the language that elves rely on in their language.
Speaking in Partial Common
In TDN, it is possible to speak a portion of your message in Common, even while speaking in a different language. This is particularly useful when using terms such as place names or deity names, or when mentioning someone by name, allowing your audience to understand parts of your message, even if they do not speak the primary language which you are speaking in. This is accomplished by surrounding the part(s) of the message you wish to speak in Common in [square brackets]:

List of Languages
There are two categories of languages, firstly the freely available ones which can be selected upon character creation, and then DM granted ones. The latter can be earned through RP or given by a DM if your concept warrants it from the get-go or at any other point of a character's existence. Contact a DM to discuss the possibilities of receiving special languages, but please note that some languages are more likely to be given than others. For example, a Dwarf Ranger with a specialisation of hunting Goblinoid is likely to be justified in knowing Goblin, whereas a Human wishing to have Undercommon from an uncommon background may not be readily approved, if at all.
Please keep in mind that you're expected to reserve language slots for any extra ones you intend to request, as these DM allowances don't entitle you to extra slots that your INT modifier or Linguistics additions don't cover.
Names in parentheses denote what that particular race calls their own language.
Freely Available
A regional language spoken in Aglarond and Altumbel. Written with the Espruar alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Calimshan. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
An uncommon regional language spoken in Vaasa. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Chessenta. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
A highly common regional language spoken in Amn, Chondath, Cormyr, the Dalelands, the Dragon Coast, the civilized North, Sembia, the Silver Marches, the Sword Coast, Tethyr, Waterdeep, the Western Heartlands, and the Vilhon Reach. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Chult. Written with the Draconic alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Damara, the Great Dale, Impiltur, the Moonsea, Narfell, Thesk, Vaasa, and the Vast. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Dambrath. Written with the Espruar alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Durpar, Estagund, Var, and Veldorn. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
Gnomish (Gnim)
A racial language spoken by gnomes. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
Halfling (Luiric)
A rare racial language spoken by halflings in Luiren. Most halflings outside Luiren speak human languages.
A regional language spoken in Halruaa, and Nimbral. Written with the Draconic alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Luskan, Mintarn, the Moonshaes, the Savage North (uncivilized areas), Ruathym, and among the Uthgardt barbarians. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Lantan. Written with the Draconic alphabet.
A dialect of Midani is spoken by the Bedine of the Anauroch. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Mulhorand, Murhôm, and Semphar. Written with the Celestial alphabet.
A regional variant of Mulhorandi is spoken in Thay. Written with the Infernal alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Maztica. Written with the Draconic alphabet.
Orcish (Daraktan)
A racial language spoken by orcs. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Rashemen. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
A regional language spoken around the Lake of Steam, in Lapaliiya, Sespech, and the Shaar. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Kara-Tur. Written with the Draconic alphabet.
Sign Language
An unspoken sign language based on the Common language spoken across the surface of Faerûn.
A regional language spoken in the Black Jungle, Khair Jungle, Samarach, Tashalar, and Thindol. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
A regional language spoken throughout the Hordelands. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Turmish. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
A regional language spoken across the Great Glacier. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
A regional language spoken in Unther. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
DM Granted
The extraplanar language of demons. Employed by divine servants to an extent. Written with the Infernal alphabet.
A twisted, complex tongue based on Primordial whose words often have meanings based on the speaker's emotions and intentions toward the listener, Abyssal's linguistic emphasis is on concepts of violence and revulsion, madness and contempt for others.
The primordial language of the Elemental Plane of Water spoken by aquatic elves, hadozee, merfolk, tritons, water genasi, and locathah. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
Aquan was a flowing language full of subtleties of meaning.
Auld Thorass
The ancient and dead trade language of Faerûn and direct ancestor of Common. Written with the Thorass alphabet.
Thorass was slightly similar to modern Common in that small portions of it could be directly translated into the latter language, though it would have a jarring form and archaic vocabulary. The bulk of the language however was known to be particularly difficult to decipher.
The primordial language of the Elemental Plane of Air spoken by air genasi and other beings of air. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
Auran was a breathy, relaxed language that has been described as a slow exhaling of air.
The extraplanar language of the Upper Planes. Employed by divine servants to an extent. Written with the Celestial alphabet.
A transcendent tongue from which derives many languages' words for concepts of good, purity, justice, compassion, and beneficence.
Draconic (Glav)
A common language spoken among the different breeds of dragon, who each have their own tongues. Formerly a common language of magic, following the Longest Year the tongue has shifted significantly. Written with the Draconic alphabet.
Draconic was a language of hard consonants and sibilants that usually sounded like hissing when spoken.
The most common language spoken by the Drow. Written with the Espruar alphabet.
The secret language spoken by druids. Written with the Druidic alphabet.
A dramatically changed racial dialect of Dwarven (Dethek) spoken by Duergar. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
Dwarven (Dethek)
A racial language spoken by dwarves. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
Elven (Espruar)
A racial language spoken by elves. Written with the Espruar alphabet.
Giant (Jotun)
The common racial language spoken among giant-kind. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
The racial language spoken by gnolls and flinds. No written form. (Gnolls who can write use Abyssal.)
The language was not a complete one, only able to communicate basic concepts. It consisted of cackling, howling, and whining sounds and often relied on gestures and facial expressions.
Goblin (Ghukliak)
A racial language spoken by goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. Written with the Dethek aplhabet.
The goblin tongue was a guttural one with much grunting and whimpering noises.
An ancient and dead language once spoken in the northlands of Rashemen with some words still in use within the Rashemi language.
The primordial language of the Elemental Plane of Fire spoken by efreet, fire genasi, and other beings of fire. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
Ignan was a language full of sharp clicks and hisses.
The ancient language, also known as Roushoum, once spoken by the Imaskari and still spoken by the Deep Imaskari. Written in the Imaskari alphabet.
The alien extraplanar language of devils. Employed by divine servants to an extent. Written with the Infernal alphabet.
A vulgar, angry patois combining the worst of a thousand different tongues from across the multiverse, Infernal is a language of hate and domination, of invective and threat.
Kobold (Yipyak)
The racial language spoken by kobolds. Written with the Draconic alphabet.
A variation of the Draconic language that sounded like the yapping of a dog.
The dead language of the ancient Netheril Empire. It was spoken primarily by the commoners of the empire. Written with the Draconic alphabet.
An ancient, dead language, once spoken by Raumvirans, the remnants of the Raumatharan Empire who resided in the Lake of Mists region. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
Raumvira had round and broad vowel sounds. Its R sounds were rolled.
The common language of Serôs, the underwater region of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Written with the Espruar alphabet.
A distinctly underwater-adapted tongue.
The racial language spoken by fey. Written with the Espruar alphabet.
An ancient and dead language spoken by the extinct Telfir race of humans who once dwelt in the lands that later became known as the Western Heartlands. Written with the Draconic alphabet.
The primordial language of the Elemental Plane of Earth spoken by dao, earth genasi, and other beings of earth. Written with the Dethek alphabet.
Terran is a rumbling language with deep tones that reverberate through the listener.
The trade and common language spoken in the Underdark. Written with the Espruar alphabet.
The racial language spoken by the Yuan-ti races, and as a second language by humans in Lapaliiya and the Tashalar. Written in the Draconic alphabet.
Bonus Language Suggestions
The suggestions below are canon-based suggestions. Some options are open for players to directly choose without oversight - typically these are other regional languages. Other suggestions will require a DM to grant the language to you, however, languages which are listed here are more likely to be acceptable than obscure ones. Please avoid strange and unusual choices without good reason. Our goal is to avoid every character being able to speak weird and strange languages.
TDN does not automatically give a regional language. Players are expected to choose a reasonable one based on their own preference. As such TDN strongly suggests (nearly insists) your character takes their recommended regional language or at least a reasonable alternative. We may very likely question why your character wishes to know something unusual when they don’t even speak the native language from where they’re from. Common is not considered a regional or human language and does not count towards this expectation. Chondathan is a widely spoken language and is the local regional language for where TDN is based and it’s acceptable for any character to take.
Suggestions Based on Region
(Recommended) Aglarondan
(Optional) Chessentan, Damaran, Draconic, Elven, Mulhorandi, Orcish, Sylvan
(Recommended) Chondathan
(Optional) Alzhedo, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Illuskan, Nexalan, Shaaran
(Recommended) Midani
(Optional) Chondathan, Damaran, Draconic, Gnoll, Orcish
(Recommended) Alzhedo
(Optional) Auran, Chondathan, Chultan, Draconic, Ignan, Shaaran, Tashalan
(Recommended) Chessentan
(Optional) Aglarondan, Chondathan, Daconic, Mulhorandi, Turmic, Untheric
(Recommended) Shaaran
(Optional) Chessentan, Chondathan, Elven, Halfling, Gnoll, Shaaran, Sylvan, Untheric
(Recommended) Chultan
(Optional) Alzhedo, Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Shaaran, Sylvan, Tashalan
(Recommended) Chondathan
(Optional) Elven, Damaran, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Orcish, Turmic
(Recommended) Chondathan
(Optional) Elven, Damaran, Giant, Gnomish, Orcish, Sylvan
(Recommended) Damaran
(Optional) Chondathan, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Orcish, Uluik
(Recommended) Dambrathan
(Optional) Elven, Illuskan, Halfling, Halruaan, Giant, Gnoll, Shaaran, Undercommon
Dragon Coast
(Recommended) Chondathan
(Optional) Aglarondan, Chessentan, Damaran, Goblin, Halfling, Orcish, Turmic
(Recommended) Elven
(Optional) Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Chondathan, Illuskan, Sylvan
Great Dale
(Recommended) Damaran
(Optional) Giant, Goblin, Rashemi, Mulhorandi
(Recommended) Halruaan
(Optional) Dambrathan, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Shaaran, Tashalan
High Forest
(Recommended) Chondathan
(Optional) Elven, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling, Illuskan, Sylvan
(Recommended) Tuigan
(Optional) Damaran, Goblin, Mulhorandi, Rashemi, Shou
(Recommended) Damaran
(Optional) Aglarondan, Chessentan, Chondathan, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Mulhorandi, Turmic
Lake of Steam
(Recommended) Shaaran
(Optional) Alzhedo, Chondathan, Dwarven, Goblin, Tashalan
(Recommended) Lantanese
(Optional) Alzhedo, Chondathan, Dwarven, Gnomish, Ignan, Illuskan, Shaaran
(Recommended) Halfling, Shaaran
(Optional) Dwarven, Gnoll, Goblin, Halruaan, Shaaran, Untheric
(Recommended) Illuskan
(Optional) Chondathan, Chessentan, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Midani, Orcish
Moonshae Isles
(Recommended) Illuskan
(Optional) Aquan, Chondathan, Elven, Giant, Orc, Sylvan
(Recommended) Mulhorandi
(Optional) Aglarondan, Chessentan, Draconic, Durpari, Goblin, Tuigan, Untheric
(Recommended) Damaran
(Optional) Goblin, Orcish, Rashemi, Tuigan, Uluik
Nelanther Isles
(Recommended) Chondathan
(Optional) Alzhedo, Goblin, Illuskan, Lantanese, Orcish, Shaaran
The North
(Recommended) Chondathan, Illuskan
(Optional) Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Midani, Orcish
(Recommended) Rashemi
(Optional) Aglarondan, Damaran, Goblin, Mulhorandi, Tuigan
(Recommended) Chondathan
(Optional) Chessentan, Damaran, Goblin, Mulhorandi, Shaaran, Turmic
The Shaar
(Recommended) Shaaran
(Optional) Alzhedo, Dambrathan, Durpari, Dwarven, Gnoll, Halruaan, Mulhorandi, Tashalan, Untheric
Silver Marches
(Recommended) Chondathan, Illuskan
(Optional) Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Illuskan, Midani, Orcish, Sylvan
(Recommended) Tashalan
(Optional) Alzhedo, Chultan, Draconic, Illuskan, Orcish, Shaaran, Sylvan, Yuan-Ti
(Recommended) Chondathan
(Optional) Elven, Goblin, Illuskan, Lantanese, Shaaran, Sylvan
(Recommended) Mulhorandi
(Optional) Chessentan, Damaran, Infernal, Rashemi, Tuigan, Untheric
(Recommended) Damaran
(Optional) Aglarondan, Chondathan, Giant, Gnoll, Mulhorandi, Rashemi, Tuigan, Turmic, Shou
(Recommended) Untheric
(Optional) Chessentan, Draconic, Mulhorandi, Orcish, Shaaran
(Recommended) Damaran
(Optional) Abyssal, Chardic, Giant, Goblin, Orcish, Uluik
The Vast
(Recommended) Damaran
(Optional) Aglarondan, Chondathan, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Mulhorandi, Tuigan, Turmic, Shou
Vilhon Reach
(Recommended) Chondathan, Sharaan (Sespech), Turmic (Turmish)
(Optional) Chessentan, Damaran, Draconic, Elven, Goblin
(Recommended) Chondathan
(Optional) Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Illuskan, Orcish
Western Heartlands
(Recommended) Chondathan
(Optional) Elven, Giant, Goblin, Illuskan, Midani, Orcish