The Dragon's Neck
The Dragon's Neck Wiki

New Rules Printable version

Rules, Warnings & Bans
In an effort to trim down and streamline our approach to rules prior to launch so that it’s a little bit more digestible for players to read, we are going to break up rules into two categories:

The first category will be more of a case-by-case basis where we look at the individual player, whether it’s a repeat offense, if we can see that the player has made some reasonable adjustments, the circumstances around the offense and have some discourse with the player. Some examples of things that fit into this category are as follows, though be aware it is not an exhaustive list:
  • Mechanical exploits
  • Griefing, harassment or discrimination to fellow players or DMs, OOC or IC
  • Excessively sexualised / explicit joking or references (some crude IC remarks are acceptable in moderation)
  • Direct verbal attacks on TDN developers, players or other servers
  • Overtly excessive descriptions of violence for shock value or otherwise
  • Consistent use of immersion-breaking language, real-world references, emoticons written in chat or IC behaviour which egregiously disrupts other players roleplaying experience
  • Player vs Player combat that’s initiated with little or no roleplay leading up to it - particularly attacks from stealth/invisibility with minimal text involved or no text involved
This first category can result in anything from a warning to a ban, depending heavily upon the circumstances and what can be gleaned by the DM(s) investigating the situation. In first time offenses we will try to lean more towards leniency and a warning, however circumstances will always be the major deciding factor in how rule breaks in this category are handled.

Anything that isn’t covered in the first category will be covered by the second category. Whatever falls into this category will result in an immediate and permanent ban if there is sufficient evidence to find the player guilty of these rule breaks. Things that fall into this category are as follows:
  • Erotic Roleplay (ERP)
  • Any kind of hate speech (racial/ethnic, political, religious, sexuality, etc)
  • Slander towards other players or staff
  • Corpse-camping players in PvP or repeatedly killing them in a short space of time in an effort to permanently kill them
  • Attempting to log into another players account
  • Fake reports, i.e if you’re discovered to be attempting to fake evidence to get another player banned
If the staff have any particular reason to expand these lists due to issues that are perceived to be a recurring problem, the community will be notified and asked to read these rules again.

Finally, if a member of staff approaches you about a particular point or piece of behaviour, please act respectfully and try to adhere to the direction given. If for some reason you feel the staff member approaching you is singling you out or asking something of you which seems unfair, you may escalate this with the admin of the server to review. Please try to provide screenshots of this conversation and the issue surrounding it.

Staff are expected to adhere to all these rules and more, as they are in a unique position of responsibility and to some degree authority in the server. Any rule breaches from a member of staff will be treated with the utmost seriousness, as they are meant to represent the server and its values.

Transparency & Suspensions/Bans
When a player is identified for misconduct, they will be subject to a suspension. When this suspension is decided upon, it cannot be repealed except by the admin of the server (Aschent), as the 30 day suspension will not be given in the first place without careful consideration of evidence. Once the suspension is issued, players will be notified that the player was suspended for misconduct. No one will be able to see the reasons for the suspension unless given express permission by the person who was suspended.

Following this, the player who was suspended will not be able to make an appeal for the suspension until this period ends. At any time post-suspension but pre-appeal, those associated with the suspension - whether given permission to see the reasons or not - will be able to submit their own case or evidence supporting the persons future appeal. This information will be stored and taken into consideration if and when the suspended player appeals the decision, which can take place any time after the 30 day period ends.

If the suspended player makes an appeal and it is rejected, they will be considered permanently banned from the server, as they will have not provided enough of a compelling case to be re-established into the community.

In some circumstances, if the evidence is overwhelming and the situation is severe enough to warrant it, a permanent ban may be issued with no option to appeal. Such permanent bans will only be issued by the admin of the server. Any bans that are enacted this way will be brought to the attention of the server, but again, no explicit details will be shared except for those given permission to view them.