TDN's Player Merchant system is designed to provide players an opportunity to directly influence and impact the market/economy in-game, as well as earn a good deal of coin for their findings while out adventuring. The advantage of this system is that you can mark-up or mark-down all items sold at the merchant, as well as give your customers a familiar Merchant experience as it leverages NPC merchants to do your selling on your behalf (even if offline).
Cost of Renting a Merchant
- One Day: 175sp
- Two Days: 325sp
- Three Days: 550sp
- Four Days: 775sp
Merchant System Showcase
Intro Conversation, Merchant Sign, Deposit and Retrieval Boxes:

Timeframe Options:

Available options once Purchased:

Mark-Up Page:

Original Sign/Shop Name:

Modified Sign/Shop Name:

Depositing items for sale:

Opening the Store/Merchant afterward:

Retrieval Box:

Once an item is removed from Retrieval Box:

* As items are sold from a Merchant, the total amount multiplied by the Taxation rate (currently 35%) is stored and will be available to the PC whenever they wish to retrieve the gold.