

Masters of the spirit realm, the shaman follows a different divine tradition than the cleric or the druid. Shamans perceive a world that no other truly understands, a world filled with powerful, living spirits, some helpful and some malign. As such, they feel it is their duty to advise their comrades and protect them from the wrath of the spirits. By bargaining with powerful spirits, the shaman gains power over the natural world and mighty divine magic with which to aid her comrades or smite her enemies.

Shamans exist to mediate between the human world and the spirit world and make sure that humans (and dwarves, elves, orcs, and all other humanoid races, of course) respect the spirits as is only right and proper. Shamans adventure to advance the causes of whichever spirits they favor. Those who venerate helpful spirits seek to assist people deserving of the spirits’ protection. Those who revere dark and vengeful spirits promote the chaos and suffering in which their patrons delight. Through their actions, shamans prove the power of the patron spirits and earn prestige and status in the spirit world.

Shamans cast divine spells much the same way druids do, though they do not receive spells directly from deities. The typical shaman pursues a mystic spirituality of transcendent union with nature rather than devoting themselves to a divine entity. When a shaman meditates to regain their daily allotment of spells, they send forth their spirit guide to bargain with the spirits and retrieve knowledge of the specific druid spells they will be able to use that day. These spirits act as intermediaries between the shaman and powerful patrons of the natural world including primal spirits, primordials, and archfey who are the sources of the divine magic. Their spells, like the druid’s, are oriented toward nature and animals. In addition to spells, shamans gain an increasing array of spiritual powers as they advance in level.

(NOTE: Shamans couldn't see nor connect with spirits in any capacity in the wake of The Longest Year, nor afterwards, until 1363 DR. Additionally, this class is generally a complex one, as such it's recommended all players intending to play it review the following guide:

Patron Spirits

Alignment Restriction: None

Hit Die: d8

Weapon - Druid
Armor - Light, Medium
Shield - Light, Heavy

Skill Points: 5 + INT Modifier

Class Skills: All Knowledges, Animal Empathy, Barter, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate,, Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Taunt

Primary Saving Throws: Fortitude & Will

Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 Levels

Spellcasting: Divine (spell failure from armor is ignored), wisdom-based (a base wisdom score of 10 + the spell's level is required to cast a spell, bonus spells are based on modified wisdom, and the wisdom modifier affects spell DCs), and spontaneous cast (no spell preparation required). A shaman casts spells which are drawn from the druid spell list.
Like a sorcerer, a shaman knows only a small number of spells. When a shaman meditates to regain her daily allotment of spells she sends forth her spirit guide to bargain with the spirits and retrieve knowledge of the specific druid spells she will be able to use that day.

Level Progression / Spells per Day

LevelHit DiceBABFortReflexWillFeatsSpells/Day:0123456789Known Spells:0123456789
1st1d8+0+2+0+2Spirit Sight5442--------
2nd2d8+1+3+0+3Shaman Path, Path Feat5552--------
4th4d8+3+4+1+4Ancestor Chant I653631-------
6th6d8+4+5+2+5Path Feat66437421------
7th7d8+5+5+2+5Woodland Stride76447532------
9th9d8+6/+1+6+3+6Rot Immunity7754475432-----
10th10d8+7/+2+7+3+7Ancestor Chant II875543754321----
11th11d8+8/+3+7+3+7Path Feat886544755432----
13th11d8+9/+4+8+4+8Purge the Soul98665447554432---
15th11d8+9/+4+9+5+9Ancestor Chant III9976654175544432--
16th11d8+9/+4+10+5+10Path Feat1097765511755444321-
18th11d8+9/+4+11+6+11Favored of the Spirits109877652117554443321
Shamans receive unlimited damage-dealing cantrips.

Spirit Sight: The shaman momentarily sees through the eyes of nearby spirits, as the See Invisibility spell. This ability may be used once per day. Duration is 1 round per class level.

Ancestor Chant: The shaman makes a plea for the spirits' aid through ritual song and dance in a 10-meter radius, becoming unable to move or take another action during the duration of this ability. They grant nearby allies a +1 enhancement bonus against undead & outsiders, a +2 bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting abilities, and allow them to regenerate 2 hit points each round. These bonuses increase to +2 enhancement bonus, +4 to saving throws, and +4 regeneration at level 10; and to +3, +6, and +6 at level 15. This ability may be used once every 30 minutes. Duration is 5 rounds + 1 round / CHA modifier.
Rot Immunity: The shaman gains immunity to disease.
Purge the Soul: The Shaman purges the target's soul of any uncleanliness, as the Restoration spell. This ability may be used once every hour.
Favored of the Spirits: The Shaman can call the aid of a spirit to protect himself or another ally. Should the affected creature's hit points be reduced to 0 or less, the spirit comes to their aid, as the Heal spell. This ability may be used once every two hours. Duration is 5 rounds + 1 round / CHA modifier.

Shaman Paths:
  • Animism
    • Level 2 - Spirit Ward: The shaman wards his companions against dark forces in a 5-meter radius. Nearby allies gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against disease, poison, negative energy, and death effects. This bonus is increased to 2 at level 5, 3 at level 8, 4 at level 11, 5 at level 14, and 6 at level 17. This ability may be used three times per day. Duration is 1 + ½ class level minutes.
    • Level 6 - Soulfire: The shaman enhances his nearby allies' weapons. They deal an additional 1d4 cold damage, and an additional 1d4 fire damage against undead. This ability may be used once every 5 minutes. Duration is 3 + CHA modifier rounds.
    • Level 11 - Purify Spirit: The shaman removes a curse, a disease, and a poison from an ally. Additionally, any ability damage inflicted by those effects is removed. This ability may be used twice per day.
    • Level 16 - One With the Ancestors: The shaman grants nearby allies 50% concealment. This ability may be used once per hour. Duration is 1 + CHA modifier rounds.
  • Shamanism
    • Level 2 - Watchful Hawk: The shaman enhances the senses of nearby allies in a 10-meter radius. They gain a +5 bonus to Listen and Spot skill checks. Enemies within the area suffer a -2 penalty to Will saves. This ability may be used once every 4 minutes. Duration is 3 + CHA modifier rounds.
    • Level 6 - Raging Lion: The shaman howls in anger, granting nearby allies +2 strength. Duration is 3 + CHA modifier rounds. Enemies within the area are frightened for 2 rounds unless they successfully pass a Will saving throw. The DC for this save is 12 + ½ class level. This ability may be used once every 4 minutes.
    • Level 11 - Prancing Elk: The shaman extends an aura of celerity in a 10-meter radius. This increases the movement speed of nearby allies by 10%. Enemies within the area suffer a -2 penalty to Reflex saves. This ability may be used once every 4 minutes. Duration is 3 + CHA modifier rounds.
    • Level 16 - Towering Bear: The shaman projects a bastion of fortitude in a 10-meter radius. Nearby allies gain 25 temporary hit points. Enemies within the area suffer a -2 penalty on damage rolls. This ability may be used once every 4 minutes. Duration is 3 + CHA modifier rounds.
  • Totemism
    • Level 2 - Totem of Thunderous Might: The shaman places a totem on the ground, granting them a +1 bonus to attack rolls, an additional 2 electrical damage, and an additional 2 sonic damage on their attacks. The attack bonus is increased to +2 at level 10. This ability may be used once every 8 minutes. Duration is 2 + CHA modifier rounds.
    • Level 6 - Totem of Blinding Sun: The shaman places a totem on the ground that emits a blinding luminance. Every 3 rounds, the totem will discharge energy, as the Searing Light spell against the nearest undead enemy. If no undead creatures are within its radius, it will still discharge energy against the nearest enemy, as the Blindness spell. The DC for these abilities is 10 + ½ class level. This ability may be used once every 8 minutes. Duration is 3 + CHA modifier rounds.
    • Level 11 - Totem of Preserving Waters: The shaman places a totem on the ground which rejuvenates their companions in a 5-meter radius. Every 4 rounds, the totem releases a wave replenishment, healing nearby allies for 1d6 + 1d4 x WIS modifier hit points. This ability may be used once every 8 minutes. Duration is 4 + 2 x CHA modifier rounds.
    • Level 16 - Totem of Rumbling Earth: The shaman places a guardian totem on the ground, granting them DR +1 / 5. Every 2 rounds, the totem sends tremors through the ground, knocking down a nearby enemy unless they successfully pass a Reflex save. The DC for this ability is 10 + ½ class level. This ability may be used once every 8 minutes. Duration is 2 + 1 CHA modifier rounds.

CantripsSpell Level 1Spell Level 2Spell Level 3Spell Level 4Spell Level 5Spell Level 6Spell Level 7Spell Level 8Spell Level 9
Cure Minor WoundsBurning HandsBlood FrenzyBull's StrengthBear's EnduranceCall Lightning StormCall Nature's Ally VIAura of VitalityBlackstaffCall Nature's Ally IX
Electric JoltCall Nature's Ally ICall Nature's Ally IICall LightningBestow CurseCall Nature's Ally VChain LightningCall Nature's Ally VIIBombardmentMeteor Swarm
FlareCure Light WoundsEagle's SplendorCall Nature's Ally IIICall Nature's Ally IVCure Critical WoundsCrumbleFire StormCall Nature's Ally VIIINature's Balance
LightEndure ElementsFox's CunningCat's GraceCure Serious WoundsDeath WardDrownEarthquakePremonitionStorm of Vengeance
Ray of FrostIce DaggerFlame LashClairvoyance/ClairaudienceDispel MagicFirebrandEnergy BufferGreat ThunderclapSunburst
ResistanceMagic WeaponFlame WeaponClarityElemental ShieldInfernoEthereal VisageRegenerateScreen
The First SpellSanctuaryFrost WeaponCure Moderate WoundsFlame StrikeLegend LoreGreater DispellingSunbeam
VirtueSleepGhostly VisageDominate AnimalFreedom of MovementMonstrous RegenerationGreater Stoneskin
True StrikeGust of WindFind TrapsIce StormOwl's InsightHealing Circle
UltravisionHold AnimalGlyph of WardingStoneskinSpell ResistanceStonehold
IdentifyGreater Magic WeaponWall of Fire
Lesser DispelKeen Edge
Lesser RestorationMagic Vestment
Lightning WeaponNeutralize Poison
Owl's WisdomProtection from Elements
Resist ElementsRemove Blindness/Deafness
See InvisibilityRemove Curse
Remove Disease
Spike Growth