TDN's Definition of ERP

Definition of ERP and Overview of TDN's ERP Ban (WIP)

Erotic Roleplay (ERP) refers to roleplaying that includes sexually explicit content, such as detailed descriptions of sexual acts, excessive suggestive language, or any roleplay implying sexual activity. ERP is strictly prohibited on The Dragon's Neck (TDN) server in all forms and contexts, whether in public or private interactions.

Reasons for the Ban

  • Community Focus: ERP detracts from TDN's goal of fostering an engaging roleplaying environment centered on character development and evolving storylines that contribute to, and expand on the setting.
  • Respect and Comfort: Not all players are comfortable with sexually explicit content, and ERP can create an uncomfortable environment, alienating community members. While TDN is a 'mature' server, intended for players of age 18+, the staff have no way to validate that players are above the age of consent for such interactions and the creation of an avenue for people to take part in this type of behavior with minors, even in concept, will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
  • Setting Appropriateness: TDN is designed with a specific tone that does not align with ERP. The staff aims to maintain meaningful and respectful relationships within the game which do not need to cross such boundaries to tell interesting and impactful stories.

Overview of Prohibited Behavior

  • Descriptions of sexual acts, whether explicit or veiled.
  • Excessive use of innuendo or suggestive language implying sexual activity.
  • Roleplaying scenarios leading towards ERP, such as excessive romantic interactions that isolate characters.
  • Gratuitous actions that could be mistaken for a preamble to ERP, such as making out and cuddling.

Acceptable Interactions

  • Characters can engage in romantic relationships but should remain within the bounds of tasteful and non-explicit roleplay, such as kissing, embracing, and general affection.
  • Light flirting and non-sexual compliments are allowed, provided they do not become excessive or lead to explicit content.
  • Players must cease roleplay and log off before an interaction leads to an even vaguely erotic or sexual encounter taking place, or even remotely hints to it.

Consequences of Violating the ERP Policy

Violations of the "No ERP" policy are treated with the utmost seriousness. Any behavior suspected of breaching this rule will prompt a thorough review of the logs. If evidence confirms a violation, the consequence will almost certainly be an outright ban. The staff’s commitment to maintaining a respectful and engaging environment means that there is little tolerance for breaches of this nature. This strict enforcement ensures that the community remains a welcoming space for all players.

This is a subjective measurement and the DM team will evaluate case-by-case to be consistent on a scenario-to-scenario basis.

Relationship & Romantic Roleplay

Fostering relationships, finding friends, and forming connections is a significant part of roleplaying on TDN. It’s natural for these relationships to sometimes become romantic. The goal is to ensure these interactions remain appropriate and contribute positively to the community. Heavy-handed restrictions could limit the richness of RP experiences. People log on to TDN to interact with other characters, and forming attachments is a natural outcome of spending time together. The policy ensures these relationships do not detract from the broader community experience.

Relationship and dating roleplay should be a secondary aspect of character development, not the primary focus. Characters should be involved in the setting and interact with the broader community, rather than commonly isolating themselves in romantic bubbles. This approach enriches the overall narrative and maintains the immersive quality of the roleplaying environment, particularly when server capacity is an issue.

Should interactions lead towards something more intimate than socially polite affection, players must log off and not describe those actions. This boundary helps maintain the server's focus on community-driven stories and appropriate interactions.

Casual references or vague implications (e.g. "Did you two... you know...?") may be acceptable, but explicit details and clear insinuations never are.

Maintaining the Grittiness of the Setting

TDN aims to provide a gritty and realistic setting without compromising due to a few bad actors. Characters can be crass and undignified within the bounds of tasteful roleplay. It’s important to distinguish between healthy, in-character interactions and those that detract from the server’s intended atmosphere. The goal is not to prevent relationship RP, or uncouth characters, but to ensure it remains secondary to the broader storytelling and does not cross into inappropriate territory. The community is encouraged to report behavior that exceeds polite boundaries to help maintain a respectful and engaging environment.

Prostitution and Slavery in TDN


While NPCs representing prostitutes may exist to contribute to the setting's grittiness, player characters engaging in prostitution, even 'off-camera', is not allowed. This distinction helps maintain the intended atmosphere of the game without encouraging inappropriate behavior among players.

  • Soliciting Prostitution: Actively soliciting prostitution, either for oneself or others, is disallowed.
  • Former Prostitutes: Playing a former prostitute is allowed but should be referenced sparingly and not overemphasized.
  • Current Prostitutes: Playing a current prostitute, even one who does not solicit on screen, is disallowed.

Servitude & Slavery

In Amn, slavery is illegal. servitude manifests in two primary forms:

  1. Indentured Servant: This lesser form of servitude involves individuals willingly becoming temporary servants in exchange for significant benefits, such as earning Amnian nationality or securing passage to distant lands. While they are bound by their contracts, indentured servants are expected to be freed eventually.
  2. Drudge: This severe form of servitude involves permanent bondage, often due to unpayable debts or crimes, and can be either willing or unwilling. Drudges remain in lifelong servitude with no expectation of release. Generally, drudges are kept for a reason, due to being high-value individuals with impressive physical, mental, magical, or societal capabilities who the government wishes to exercise permanent control over.
Because of this, servitude which, to some, could be considered 'slavery', exists subtly in TDN's setting. While it is a societal backbone, it must be approached carefully in roleplay.

  • 'Slavery' in RP: Allowed with the consent of all players involved and strict DM oversight. Roleplay related to it should always be mindful and without reference or alluding to anything sexual in nature. The comfortability of all involved players is paramount.
  • Master-'Slave' Relationships: Romantic or sexual relationships between masters and 'slaves' are strictly forbidden to mitigate inappropriate player behavior. This prohibition is also enforced as a cultural norm and extreme taboo within the setting.

Servitude is a normalized and protected aspect of Amnian society. Publicly referring to it as slavery is not only socially unacceptable but also legally risky and can result in harsh repercussions from local authorities.

Worship of Gods with Portfolios Associated with Sex

Sharess, Hanali Celanil, and Sune, deities commonly associated with passion, pleasure, and love, can be roleplayed in rich and meaningful ways that do not focus on sexual activities. While it may include such things in a non-explicit way, it should certainly not be the primary focus of the character. Although these gods are likely to be the primary culprits for this type of roleplay, this policy also applies to any other deity, or patron, whose portfolio includes practices or beliefs that could be viewed in a sexual way, such as Loviatar.

  • Roleplay as a follower of one of these gods should explore other aspects of their portfolio. For instance, worshipping Sharess can involve interest in a broad spectrum of pleasure, perhaps including art, music, dance, and/or the general joys of life; as well as vengeance.
  • Worship and religious practices dedicated to these gods should be portrayed with reverence and creativity, rather than focus on the sexual aspect of their portfolios.

Elves, Courtship, and Intimate Relations

In addition to all the other rules contained within this page, elves have considerable thematic concerns surrounding romantic and erotic roleplay.

Elves idealize romantic love as much as humans do, if not more. However, for elves, love is more daunting because it requires giving up a degree of independence. Courtships often last for years, or even decades. Marriages symbolize the continuation of the elf race. Marriage ceremonies vary but are always significant, binding the spirits of the couple. Elves seldom fall out of love due to their long memories, and a broken bond can be devastating. Marriages are rare and revered, and children are precious, with the community supporting expectant mothers and their offspring.

Because of this, quickly developing serious relationships are extremely rare in elven communities, and players should be mindful of this when proceeding with romantic roleplay involving elves, particularly in regard to relationships becoming physically intimate.

Staff will be observing and taking this into account when considering all other rules listed on this page in regards to elven characters being solely relationship-focused.

More details on elves in TDN can be found here.

Direct Examples of Acceptable and Prohibited Forms of Behavior

  • Handholding
  • Hugging
  • Kissing
  • Dancing
  • Compliments (not of a directly sexual nature)
  • Flirtation (that doesn't describe sexual acts or erogenous body parts)
  • Crass innuendo for dramatic effect.
  • Description or depiction of sexual acts
  • Heavy petting/groping
  • Flirtation that describes sexual acts or erogenous body parts, whether explicit or veiled
  • Prostitution of player characters, even if the act is merely implied.
  • Excessive focus on getting a romantic partner or making a significant portion of interactions predominantly about romantic pursuits, including relentless flirting and affection.
  • Excessive affectionate behavior which could be viewed as a preamble to ERP such as vivid descriptions of making out or cuddling
  • Crass innuendo used flirtatiously or as a sexual proposition.

Impact on the Community

The "No ERP" policy extends beyond the explicit acts themselves to include suggestive or flirtatious acts that are against the spirit of the server, or negatively impact the play experience of other players by making them feel uncomfortable and detracting from immersion.

Similarly, extended romantic roleplay that isolates characters can be considered a preamble to ERP, as such roleplay does not contribute to the communal experience in any form.

Clarification for Enforcing the Policy

This policy is not intended to restrict roleplay in general but to address extreme behaviors that detract from the community experience. The clarifications listed here are both to clarify to players what is expected of them and also to provide a framework for staff to address violations effectively.

Emphasizing Respect and Decency

The staff of TDN expects characters to be actively engaged with the environment and other characters, fostering interaction and evolving storylines. We do not believe that Inseparable lovers who remain in isolation, or excessively suggestive and domineering romantic roleplay in private or public spaces contribute to this; in fact, we consider them to actively detract from it. Maintaining a standard of decency and respect for all players, as well as staff, is essential. Despite the setting's gritty and realistic nature, the roleplaying experience and environment should remain enjoyable and immersive for everyone.

By adhering to these guidelines, we believe that we are helping to ensure a respectful, engaging, and enriching roleplaying experience for all players.