The Firedrake Lodge

There had always been a very casual view of “adventuring” from much of the community. All across Toril, the horrors and dangers of delving into dungeons deep were second place to the glory, the riches, and the opportunities. The Firedrake Lodge was no new group, established half a decade ago by a trio of ex-adventurers as a “boys’ club” to host adventurers and help supply them, all the while being a good pass-through for their deeds and riches - of these deeds, nearly never were they of crime or a disreputable nature. The group, its members known as “Firedrakes”, had always boasted a quiet success and prestige. It was known through Murann for uncovering rumors of illicit deeds, and countering the plots of troublesome groups. Its respect by the greater community of the Swordbelt has led to claiming membership of several notable locals and positive acclaim from notable local leaders.
The Firedrake Lodge had grown in fame and size in the last 5 years, especially with Tethyr and Amn formally legitimizing adventurers and offering some status to them. The Lodge was by no means exclusive, but it was an open gathering of many that offered benefits to the few that decided to join the loosely formal “Guild.” Through the Lodge came contracts, rumors, and many opportunities adventurers couldn't find on their own. It asked for some small tithes, an occasional portion of adventuring contract earnings that the Lodge helped to facilitate, and drew in further benefit by offering many services that adventurers valued under one roof. To most, what it offered was a community, one that might indeed go looking if one failed to return from their latest adventure.
The Firedrake Lodge is a good-leaning faction built upon the thrill of exploration & adventure and flavored with the desire to leave a better place behind once you’ve returned from such expeditions. Firedrakes, the name of its membership, commonly hunt dangerous monsters, root out bandits, and move information that will benefit their honorable and good neighbors and harm their cruel and dangerous ones. The Lodge believes all people should be free to live honest and happy lives within balance and peace, and they oppose the leadership of cruel tyrants and wanton destruction of property and wildlands.
OOC Notes:
// The Lodge is meant to serve as a catch-all adventuring faction with a slightly Good-aligned member base. It will act as an excellent hook to discover new and unique dungeons and initiate plots, as well as helping to provide more structure to the adventuring community.