Recent content by Kilivin

  1. Kilivin

    Sylus Stormwind - The Babe of Dragon Beach

    Sylus Stormwind Portrait
  2. Kilivin

    Sylus Stormwind - The Babe of Dragon Beach

    “What can I say? I’m the bitch queen’s son of some bloody pirate bastard, birthed on a beach and raised in a brothel with brigands. If I do you wrong, it weren’t my intent. If you do me wrong, I’m sure my blood won’t boil after a bottle of brandy.” -The Babe of Dragon Beach One night in the...
  3. Kilivin

    Cricket Chirp?

    I've seen it online just locked. I've also not gotten on the discord. Wife + couple friends of mine wanna join/play together as a pre made adventuring group to experience the content together. Looking forward to it. :D
  4. Kilivin

    Software QA/Programmer, Husband, Father of 1, & Lover of D&D since I was in middle school. I've...

    Software QA/Programmer, Husband, Father of 1, & Lover of D&D since I was in middle school. I've been a DM for almost 15 years with campaigns run in 2e, 3.5, pathfinder, and 5e. My wife & I have well over a dozen character concepts we enjoy playing at a D&D table, NWN, or other RPG games. We're...
  5. Kilivin


    we gotta wait. Downside is there might be a level gap of new players to older players (though when the server opens up again there will likely be a new wave of new players). Upside is that you'll get a better play experience. . . Tbh I prefer non-buggy/laggy experiences so I just jump on the...
  6. Kilivin

    Your Best DM/Player D&D Story

    Whether you're a DM or a player in a game or have been in a game of D&D, I think it's always fun to see what got to people as either DM or player. For me, I have my favorite DM moment was a homebrew game where the players were becoming demigods (taking inspiration from wrath of the righteous &...
  7. Kilivin

    Feedback from someone who hasn't been able to play

    New server, new adventures, new characters - regardless of how messy the launch is people want new good NWN RP persistent world content and will suffer for it if they have to I'm sure. I missed the launch boat as I didn't hear about the server until the 26th (took a hiatus from nwn for a year or...
  8. Kilivin

    Any exhaustion/endurance/stamina system?

    Gameplay mechanics ought to reflect the feeling that the game is trying to implement. In that sense, the systems they have are related to and revolve around the use of magic and the difficulties in casting it. Involving game systems for no feeling you're intending to evoke out of players just...
  9. Kilivin

    Group Concepts, Duo Concepts, and more!

    I think a rogue/criminal organization or bandit band coming into town could be really cool. I have a character concept that's basically a hulking brute in armor that is a real bouncer type character who's just a big hulking fighter in scary armor. Talks very little, loves to fight, secretly...
  10. Kilivin

    The delicate issue of money sinking

    I think that round-about method of creating gold caps per RL day could be implemented to limit this sort of farming behavior from the start so that there is no inflation of the raw gold coin. NWN doesn't have gold cap limits on NPC merchants inherently but you could have a chest that the players...
  11. Kilivin

    New Character Allowances

    Hello all, Not on the server but my wife & I are very interested in jumping on whenever it opens up again. We both are wondering as I am not able to find any information on this not being allowed as to Amnian nobility? We both fancy playing 2 characters from the Rosznar family from Imnescar...
  12. Kilivin

    Ander Fermar - A Martyr's Progeny

    Ander is a 24 year old paladin of Torm from the far away city of Tantras. There, as a young teen, he and his family were all devotees of Torm during the zealous time of his faithful. Alas, the Time of Troubles came with the evils of Bane to that city along with their own God who saw the faith of...