Marhos Halfcoin - "Dare much, and the Lady keep you."


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Original poster
May 28, 2024



“There is only one debt I intend to pay”

There was a minor Tethyrian lord who sired a lot of illegitimate children while partaking in many conflicts that haunted Swordbelt and Lands of Intrigue. One of those children would be later known as Marhos Halfcoin, a man bragging that he could slice tossed-up coin in half with a swing of his blade.

Marhos’ mother was a tavern maid of Iluskan heritage whose family moved to Zazesspur generation or two ago - commoners they were at best, but Ilgid had charming personality and a sharp wit that won the heart of a fame-seeking knight. And as wandering knights usually act towards lovesick, lowborn girls so it was this time - Marhos was born and the only parent that tried to care for him was his mother, that passed soon after, when The Coast Plague killed almost whole family, leaving only little Marhos, who was at most five years old when tragic Year of the Saddle ended.

He owed his life to an troop of wandering actors that took pity on him and due to their bold performances gained favour of a local Tymoran priestess. Tareen Everdare was her name and she became like a second mother for Marhos, who despite loss of family and traumatic experiences of the plague remained a curious and mischievous child. He displayed great interest in acrobatics and dancing, but found most joy in plays that could irritate others. The haughtier someone was and the more prominent position they held - the more fun young Marhos had from playing tricks on them. In the guise of an artistic shows enjoyed by some Tymorans and Tareen especially the troop mocked social hierarchy to the point of glorifying theft or hoaxes. They remained popular among the poor and desperate, but gradually lost favour of Tymora’s clergy. Lady Luck and her servants weren’t eager to support someone else’s misfortune and no kind of dance or street theatre could cover that Marhos and his companions were running scams or helped thieves of various kinds.

Tareen felt disappointed about her protegee’s lack of moral compass - however he never sought to actively harm others, there was also no remorse in his heart. He enjoyed attention, especially those shown by women and pursued applause of the crowd. Marhos became a daring and bold lad of impish demeanour and face delicate and pretty in almost girly way. A quick runner, great dancer, this softspoken youth lacked long-term thinking. From girl to girl, from hoax to hoax he experienced many simple and shallow amusements but stopped growing as a person. He had no plans for the future and was already eighteen - in his age childhood was no longer excuse for mischief and pretty face couldn’t protect him from rivals, gang members and law enforcers.

One day, after insulting a gang of youngsters, he got beaten badly. The Lady Who Smiles still watched over him that day, because Tareen found him while returning from some slum-like district of Zazesspur where she offered help and healing to the unknown adventurer’s family. Again coin of fate flipped in favour of Marhos and Tymoran priestess took care of him for the second time in his life, at Times of Trouble’s wake.​

He had to change - in his shallow heart some tenderness and sentience remained, and he was always susceptible to great tales or plots of theatre plays. He also understood he really loved Tareen as a mother and a friend, and when Longest Year lasted and magic disappeared she needed him the most. His street smarts, contacts, a clever choice of words and charm - and finally, a newfound love and talent for fencing and wielding a swift, elegant weapon. All money he wasn’t spending on helping Tareen and her shrine he invested in learning swordsmanship, combining it with his love for dance and pompous spectacle. In this times he earned his nickname, The Halfcoin. He became Tareen’s defender and they both considered themselves lucky to watch each other’s back. Times were cruel, magic users suffered distrust and lost so much they became pariahs in many cases.

Both Marhos and Tareen found some hope in Zaranda campaing against bandit-lords and petty tyrants of Tethyr, with Marhos again feeling thirst for fuss. This time he wasn’t a kid playing tricks on arrogant traders, now he wielded steel against the detached elites of the city and suffered death of his second mother and most beloved friend Tareen Everdare day before Haedrak’s forces arrived in Zazesspur.

Badly wounded during the battle between Low and High City he probably didn’t fought during Second Siege of Myratma, but followed Haedrak’s Reclamation Army when he was reunited with his father and older brother. Details of their meeting and how they were able to find and recognize each other are still covered by mystery - what most people know is that now two half-brothers arrived in Swordbelt, travelling together.

What brings them to Murann? It is yet to be revealed - whichever side the coin flips.


Letters never sent - to my brother


It is a grim land, a realm of rain. Roads around Murann are plagued by monsters great and small and by Amnian military too, of course. I haven't seen much yet, just some kobold-infested thicket and a tavern that appears decent. I've met some adventurers - at least they seemed like adventuring sort - and they took me with them tu hunt some kobold, in which I actually proved to be helpful. The group members appeared decent to me, and quite capable as combatants. A man named Quill even eagerly gave me my share of earned coin, so I had no need of stealing anything. There was also one dwarf who fought really well and been helpful, but his convictions scare me. Other people ventured with us too - a Moonshavian, who reminded me of the sailor girl from Alaron I once met, and older man named Krik or Kirk, quite a warrior in his own right, and there was this interesting guy, Sho, who fought with his fists and kicks only. I could bet he had pointed ears...

What I am trying to tell you - even if we're about to abandon our mission and goals, there are people here we can hang with and earn some coin by their side. As for our mission - since our dear father was quite reticent about details, I only know I have to locate the prison or other place our objective is held captive. I dare to hope you've got further information about the man and why we have to free him. I really want him - or her - to be actual Zaranda's supporter, not just some friend of our father that got into trouble in Amn.

I miss Thareen. Zazesspur is never going to be the same without her and I do not know if I wish to return there. Maybe Darromar instead? First, our mission in Swordbelt.

May Lady Tymora smile upon you,