The Longest Tenday

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Original poster
Jul 13, 2020
Hello TDN!

You may have guessed from the title of the announcement, but we are in fact taking the server down for a time again, from 14/06/2024 (June 14) at 1:00am PDT to (tentatively) 25/06/2024 (June 25). This post will summarise the reasons and the game plan going forward.


As you may or may not know, Aschent is moving house and will be absent for roughly 10 days. With his absence, the rest of the team is very concerned given the amount (and severity) of bugs that people have been encountering. A lot of these bugs have unfortunately been leading to bigger problems for the community, such as the particularly notorious Grim Wounds bug that led to people being incorrectly permakilled, as well as things that border on exploits like money duplication.

We’re deeply grateful for everyone that has acted in such good faith and reported these issues; so many people have been so supportive of the server - far more than we honestly even expected - but we also have to concede there are still players that we have witnessed who are willing to exploit these issues and that can lead to a lot of complicated issues we want to avoid.

In a lot of cases, these are also not problems DMs can solve and tend to generate a lot of tickets that are taxing to deal with on top of trying to keep players entertained and the gameworld moving. Similarly, we feel the narrative storm is growing rather old, and we want to have it pass and start opening areas up as well as starting the main campaign we have prepared.

Any problems that arise or fixes that we want to make to the server ourselves will not be possible until Aschent returns, and we won’t be able to progress the story of the server in any meaningful way for over a week. This is why we’ve decided to take the server offline until Aschent returns.

So what’s the plan?

While Aschent is away, the rest of us are going to continue working on things as we can and we believe we can get quite a lot of work done. We intend to use the time to fill the world with more events, encounters on the overland, try and get those overland spawns to drop loot, as well as link up all the areas that have been blocked up and - *hopefully* - have the entire server ready to be opened when the server goes back online.

Following Aschent’s return, we have a priority list of additions to the server to get things rolling.
  1. Professions. We intend to firstly open herbalism and alchemy only, to ensure that any problems and bugs it may have are resolved and to validate how much or how little this impacts the economy and dungeon balance. Once we’re comfortable with it, we’ll add the others.
  2. Quests. We’ll be looking to add a fairly rudimentary quest system to begin with, which will then be used to form the foundation of a more much complex and dynamic quest system down the line.
  3. Guards & Factions. We will reinforce the automated systems we have to support player guards in doing their duties and enhance the faction progression system.
As much as we have tried not to take the server down again, we felt that overall this was simply the most logical and beneficial thing to do for the health of the server and the community. We don’t anticipate this will be something we resort to often, but while things are currently still so early and while we still have so many issues to work through, and due to the nature of Aschent’s extended absence being a one-off event, we firmly believe this is the right call on this occasion.

If you have any questions or concerns about this announcement, please make a #player-support thread on the Discord and we’ll try to answer as and when we can.

Thank you all for your continued patience and understanding, and we hope you all enjoy other creative and entertaining pursuits in the meantime!
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