Recent content by Danuvis

  1. Danuvis

    Forum Bot for Discord

    Unfortunately incentivising usage of forums in this time and age is extremely difficult and probably not even worth the sheer effort it'd take to even take a decent shot at it, especially with our (currently?) tiny team size. I don't think a bot would be enough to achieve frequent use of forums...
  2. Danuvis

    Feedback on Fire Beetle Spitter

    Just to address this briefly (and very much belatedly), the placement and level (as well as difficulty) of overland enemies - such as PC spawn point adjacent ones - will have been adjusted to be less harsh especially with new arrivals in mind. The general vicinity of hubs will be safer going...
  3. Danuvis

    Any exhaustion/endurance/stamina system?

    While a system like this is to my personal liking, and indeed fits in with TDN's general want for realism (within reason), it's unfortunately also one of those systems that are incredibly difficult to pull off in a way that doesn't just drive away players. In my experience exhaustion systems...
  4. Danuvis

    New Background suggestions

    We might revisit backgrounds (in terms of adding new ones or changing values) some day, there's no real downside to that provided they can be made vague and generic enough to fit in (without too much overlap with existing options, of course), but at the time there's no concrete plans to do so...
  5. Danuvis

    Hair options also as hat options

    This is ultimately Goldberry's territory, in terms of knowledge (I have no clue about any of this) and generally would be hers to decide over (or elaborate on if this is purposely done the described way), if she ever decides to take a look at the forums (it's better to utilise our player-support...
  6. Danuvis

    Racial Abilities for Elven Subraces

    The general argument here applies to any race because ultimately every being is still an individual, regardless of how heavy influence their racial culture and nature brings to the table. In that sense a system allowing all races to just pick +2 to a single stat - or just stripping all racial...
  7. Danuvis

    Include Some Ability Stats in In-Game Description

    While I can understand finding appeal in this kind of system, my personal experience here is that they don't really add anything to RP, and are rarely acted on IC (and typically are abused OOC, as mentioned, to metagame weaknesses in builds or otherwise to suss out details). If anything I tend...
  8. Danuvis

    Shaman Class: Chants and More

    A rather late reply, but in short unless we happen to find abundant amounts of capable coders in the future, changes like these - additions of variety and extra flavour - will be unlikely to happen. I sympathise with the want for more mechanical tools to reflect parts of one's RP, of course -...
  9. Danuvis

    Cantrip Redesign - Class Features

    Cantrips will still be infinite, but spamming them won't be as much of a thing, essentially.
  10. Danuvis

    Fall 2024, Developer Update

    Hey TDN Community - We know it's been a while, and as ever we're thankful for your patience. Outlined below will be the majority of the subjects that we've been working on, and though a couple of them were already mentioned in the previous update or in passing, they are being reiterated in case...
  11. Danuvis

    Any updates?

    There will be an update soon, no worries.
  12. Danuvis

    Hey, I'm kinda new here - care to show me the ropes?

    Hey, I'm kinda new here - care to show me the ropes?
  13. Danuvis


    Please don't share the password, the Discord is closed for a reason for the time being - and that is to allow people to play without overwhelming amounts of players trying to cram themselves in. Once the server numbers settle, we'll reopen the Discord again.
  14. Danuvis

    Illegitimate sons and heirs in Tethyr

    It'd count as unlawful impersonation, the consequences of which tend to be harsh. Titles are meaningful on TDN, especially that of knights.
  15. Danuvis

    Shilmista Forest - Amn or Tethyr?

    It is part of Amn, so I'd pick that, in the same vein as Wealdath elves pick Tethyr.